Razones comunes por las que los hombres eligen la cirugía de ginecomastia
Gynecomastia is a condition that makes the male breast tissue larger and it can affect them at any age. The causes behind these can be many including hormonal imbalances, side effects of medications, and genetics. While gynecomastia is not a harmful condition it can make a man feel self-conscious about their body leading to social […]
Lifting Facial Plano Profundo Vs. Lifting Facial Tradicional: Principales diferencias
As we age our bodies and faces start to change and signs will be noticeable. Wrinkles, skin sagging, and loss of volume in the face are just some of the symptoms that can make people consider facelift surgery. Facelift surgeries come in different types depending on the area that they aim to treat. In this […]
Cómo tratar la asimetría facial
Facial symmetry is a term used to describe the balance between the left and the right sides of the face. A symmetrical face should ideally include mirror-image characteristics on both sides, including the eyes, nose, lips, and jawline. Even if it’s uncommon, faces with greater symmetry attract attention and are frequently regarded as beautiful. On […]
Los mejores tratamientos para reducir la papada
Many people all over the world are constantly looking for ways to reduce the appearance of the double chin and to create a more defined jawline and neck. While there are many ways to achieve this goal, surgical intervention will be the most effective and reliable one. In Albania, there are several non-invasive techniques for […]
Las ventajas de combinar blefaroplastia y rinoplastia
Blepharoplasty and rhinoplasty are both surgical procedures that offer great results when it comes to facial harmony. There are several reasons why people choose to combine both these surgeries together. While some patients choose combining these procedures simply because they want to address several issues at the same time others choose it in order to […]
Preguntas frecuentes sobre la liposucción: Una guía para la cirugía de eliminación de grasa
Liposuction, or fat removal surgery, is a cosmetic procedure designed to target specific areas of the body where fat has accumulated. To be a suitable candidate for this procedure, the patient should be near their ideal weight. Our expert plastic surgeons in Albania have extensive experience and can perform various types of liposuction based on […]
Diferentes tipos de rinoplastia
A nose job medically known as rhinoplasty is one of the most popular procedures performed nowadays. This surgical procedure aims to reshape and correct the nose and provide a straighter and more proportionate nose. Rhinoplasty in Albania comes in different types, each aimed at addressing specific concerns. This surgery is not always performed solely to […]
10 datos que debe conocer sobre la abdominoplastia
La abdominoplastia es una intervención estética que tiene por objeto conseguir un vientre más plano mediante la eliminación de la grasa y el exceso de piel de la parte inferior del abdomen. En la mayoría de los casos, esta intervención la solicitan personas que han experimentado cambios importantes en su cuerpo, como fluctuaciones de peso o embarazos. También es posible que haya oído hablar de este procedimiento [...]
Principales beneficios de la otoplastia: Cómo la cirugía de orejas puede aumentar su confianza
Tener las orejas prominentes o grandes puede ser un problema para muchas personas. Aunque puede taparlas o encontrar adhesivos para hacerlas lo menos visibles posible, ésta no es una solución permanente. Si desea un procedimiento duradero para corregir sus orejas, la otoplastia será el adecuado. No importa si quiere [...]
Mommy Makeover En Albania Preguntas Frecuentes
Un mommy makeover es una combinación de diferentes procedimientos que le ayudarán a recuperar su cuerpo después del embarazo. Este procedimiento se realizará al mismo tiempo y ofrecerá grandes resultados. Con el fin de restaurar la forma del cuerpo antes del embarazo y la apariencia, un cambio de imagen de mamá por lo general incluye una abdominoplastia, levantamiento de senos, y la liposucción. [...]