Porcelani Apo Rezina Kompozite: Fasetat E Duhura Për Buzëqeshjen Tuaj

Composite Resin Veneers and Porcelain Veneers in Albania

Dental veneers are one of the most popular dental procedures performed nowadays. This procedure falls into the category of cosmetic dentistry. Its main purpose is to address the appearance of the teeth. The results of dental veneers will be brighter, straighter, and have a more symmetrical smile. These white, teeth-like thin shells will be designed […]

Arsyet Pse Burrat Zgjedhin Kirurgjinë E Gjinekomastisë

Gynecomastia in Albania, male breast reduction in Tirana

Gynecomastia is a condition that makes the male breast tissue larger and it can affect them at any age. The causes behind these can be many including hormonal imbalances, side effects of medications, and genetics.  While gynecomastia is not a harmful condition it can make a man feel self-conscious about their body leading to social […]

Dallimet Midis Deep Plane Facelift Dhe Facelift Tradicional

Deep Plane Facelift in Albania, wrinkle removal, best prices for deep place facelift

As we age our bodies and faces start to change and signs will be noticeable. Wrinkles, skin sagging, and loss of volume in the face are just some of the symptoms that can make people consider facelift surgery. Facelift surgeries come in different types depending on the area that they aim to treat. In this […]

Si Të Trajtoni Asimetrinë E Fytyrës

Facial symmetry is a term used to describe the balance between the left and the right sides of the face. A symmetrical face should ideally include mirror-image characteristics on both sides, including the eyes, nose, lips, and jawline.  Even if it’s uncommon, faces with greater symmetry attract attention and are frequently regarded as beautiful. On […]

Llojet E Ndryshme Të Rinoplastikës

A nose job medically known as rhinoplasty is one of the most popular procedures performed nowadays. This surgical procedure aims to reshape and correct the nose and provide a straighter and more proportionate nose. Rhinoplasty in Albania comes in different types, each aimed at addressing specific concerns. This surgery is not always performed solely to […]

Si Trajtohet Gjoksi I Varur

As we grow older it is very normal that our breasts start to become saggier and lose their firmness. In medical terms, this condition is known as breast ptosis. Sagging breasts can be a result of different reasons and they will affect more than just the breast tissue, they will also make the nipples point […]

10 Fakte Që Duhet Të Dini Rreth Tummy Tuck

A tummy tuck is a cosmetic procedure that aims to provide a flatter tummy by removing fat and excess skin from the lower part of the abdomen. Mostly this procedure is requested by individuals who have experienced significant changes in their body, including weight fluctuations or pregnancy. You may also have heard of this procedure […]

Gjithçka Që Duhet Të Dini Rreth Heqjes Së Implanteve Të Gjirit

Breast implant removal surgery at a clinic in Albania

The procedure of getting rid of breast implants, whether saline or silicone, is called breast implant removal. To give the breasts a fuller and rounder look, surgeons often recommend combining this with a breast lift or fat transfer. At Medical Tourism Albania, we have expert surgeons who offer the best breast enhancement treatments, including implant […]


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