Mini-Facelift in Albania – Facial Plastic Surgery

A mini facelift aims to tighten the loosened skin on the face, especially on the lower parts of the face such as the upper neck, chin and jaw. Typically, the effects of aging first appear in these areas. Therefore, a mini face lift surgery is perfect for people aged above 40 who wish to restore the youthfulness of their facial features.

Best mini face lift surgery in Albania


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Mini-Facelift in Tirana, Albania

What is a Mini-Facelift Surgery?

A mini face lift surgery is a procedure similar to a normal face lift. This treatment comes with many advantages. Typically, a mini face lift is less invasive than a rhytidectomy and its incisions are usually hidden in strategic places in the face. Thus, any scars left from the procedure are invisible to the eye. The results are in turn very natural and aesthetically pleasing.

In some cases, patients choose to combine a mini face lift with other cosmetic procedures such as a brow lift, chin augmentation, brow lift or fat transfer. A fat transfer can help create a more harmonious look on the lower region of the face by restoring a fresh plumpness.

Some patients prefer undergoing other non-surgical treatments to maintain their results of the mini-face lift. .

The best mini face lift surgery in Albania

Why do people have a mini-face lift?

As we get older, we tend to produce less collagen. Collagen is responsible for maintaining the elasticity of the skin. Thus, losing collagen results in a sagging and wrinkling skin. In time, the lines creating in our skin turn into prominent wrinkles down the side of our mouth or around our eyes.

A mini-face lift surgery can be the ideal solution to these problems. This treatment has proven to be successful in taking years off someone’s appearance, meanwhile restoring their lost confidence and improving their self-esteem.

One of the main advantages of a mini-facelift is the fact it leaves behind a minimal amount of scars and marks. People who suffer from the negative effects of smoking, intensive sun exposure, poor sleeping patterns or excessive stress can benefit greatly from a mini-face lift. Not only can this treatment correct the damage done to the skin, but it can also slow down the aging process as your skin will be in a better state after the procedure is done.

Who is suitable for a mini-face lift treatment?

A mini-face lift surgery is an ideal treatment for people aged over 40 or 50 who wish to correct their loose or sagging skin, restoring their youthfulness and improving their appearance. This minimally invasive surgery is a great alternative to other face lift surgeries as it leaves behind no scars or marks.

We consider individuals to be a good fit for this treatment if they agree to the following:

  • They are over the age of 40.
  • They are in good mental and physical health.
  • The effects of aging on their face have become bothersome.
  • They are looking for a minimally invasive surgery to restore the youthfulness of their skin.
  • They have set realistic goals regarding their mini-facelift surgery results.

Amazing results mini face lift in Albania

The cost of a Mini-Facelift in Albania

Albania provides some of the most affordable mini-face lift surgeries in the area due to its low tax regime. However, thanks to our leading experts and surgeons in the field of cosmetic surgery we provide the highest quality treatments at competitive prices. Although choosing Albania for your mini-face lift surgery is a cost-effective solution, you are guaranteed to find the expertise of highly qualified surgeons and services which adhere to strict protocols of safety and quality.

At our clinic, we provide a comprehensive consultation with our skilled surgeons, 24/7 assistance for any emergencies and thorough pre-surgery assessment of your medical history, anatomy and physical health. The cost for your mini-face lift surgery can vary according to the complexity of the case. If you’re interested in receiving an exact quote for your treatment, don’t hesitate to contact our clinic and we will answer your questions in detail.

What does a mini-face lift involve?

During a mini-face lift procedure your doctor will first make a few incisions in strategic areas such as behind your ears or your hairline. This results in minimal scars and marks after the surgery is completed. Then, your doctor will get rid of any excess or sagging skin so that he can lift the tissues of your face to the position they used to be in. 

As this treatment is less invasive compared to traditional face lift surgeries, it can be completed in a shorter amount of time and it carries less risks of complications. Not only that, but a mini-face lift can also deliver more natural-looking results and a fresher look. That’s because during the procedure your surgeon can also lift the underlying tissues of your face. Instead of only working on the upper layer of the skin, this thorough procedure allows for a more structured and natural end-result.

Even though this surgery is minimally invasive, it is still performed under local anesthesia so that the patient experiences no pain or discomfort. The whole treatment can take from one hour to one hour and a half and you will be able to return home on the same day as the surgery. Moreover, you can go back to your daily routine in just one week after the surgery.

Need something else?

We provide all modern hair loss & hair restoration treatments in Albania.

A mini-face lift will make you look 15 years younger, delivering natural-looking results and allowing you to maintain your facial expressions.  Your facial features will be rejuvenated due to the thorough lifting of the underlying tissues of the face and skin.


A quick and effective solution, this minimally invasive surgery leaves no visible scars and takes only one hour to one hour and a half to be completed. It is completely painless as everything is carried out under local anesthesia. You can choose to combine a mini-face lift with other treatments such as a brow lift or eyelid reduction surgery if you are seeking more specific results.

After one or two weeks you will be asked to visit your doctor for a post-surgery assessment. During this appointment he will review your incisions making sure your recovery process is going as planned.


In approximately six weeks your doctor will call you in for another appointment to remove any stickers, assess your healing progress and give you any additional advice on your post-surgery recovery.


During your whole recovery stage you will have the ongoing support of our staff. Don’t hesitate to contact us as we are available 24/7 to assist you with any emergencies or other issues. We are dedicated to making you feel comfortable and secure, so rest assured that you will have all the support needed to make a quick recovery.

Your doctor will probably advise you to avoid physical activity in the following weeks. However, you will be able to resume your daily activities the next day as the surgery is minimally invasive and easier on the body. 


Keep in mind that you may experience some bruising or swelling on the treated area. However, this is completely normal and no cause for concern. The swelling will subside in a matter of days and you will be able to go back to work in about two weeks.


At our clinic, we are committed to providing great results and exceptional care for our patients. Your doctor will give you all the necessary instructions that you must follow during your recovery stage for quick and efficient healing. Make sure to follow your surgeon’s advice and take proper care of yourself during the following weeks post your surgery.

The results of your mini-face lift surgery are permanent. However, the longevity of these results will also depend on how well you take care of your skin. Try to avoid smoking or unprotected exposure in the sun so that you can optimize and maintain the results of your mini-face lift for years to come. Since your mini-face lift treatment will make you look significantly younger, the aging process will restart at a  much better state. Make sure to properly take care of your skin and follow your doctor’s recommendations so that you can enjoy the benefits of your mini-face lift procedure for as long as you can.


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