Rhinoplasty in Albania – Nose Reshaping & Reconstruction

Surgery to reshape the nose is known as rhinoplasty. Rhinoplasty procedures may be done to change the nose's appearance, improve breathing, or both. The nose's structure is made of cartilage at the bottom and bone at the top. Bone, cartilage, skin, or all three might be changed during rhinoplasty.

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Rhinoplasty in Tirana, Albania

Your surgeon will consider your other facial features, the skin on your nose, and the changes you want to make when planning rhinoplasty. If you are a surgical candidate, your surgeon will create a personalized plan of care for you. 

Amazing nose surgery before and after results in Tirana Albania

What are the different types of nose surgery?

Generally speaking there are five main types of rhinoplasty:

Closed Rhinoplasty 

A closed rhinoplasty is one of the most popular nose surgeries. During this procedure no scars are left on the external part of the treated area. The surgeon will access the bone and cartilage by lifting the soft tissues of the nose. This surgery is an ideal choice for patients who need to avoid irritation, scarring and are looking for a treatment with a shorter healing time.

Open Rhinoplasty 

This procedure is a bit more complicated and more invasive compared to a closed rhinoplasty. It is perfect for people who require a higher level of nose reconstruction. Your doctor will first make a few incisions on the columella. That is part of the skin between the nostrils. This will allow the surgeon to have access on the inside of your nasal cavity. He will then continue to reshape the  nose as required. Afterwards the columella will be sutured and a splint will be used to help the patient heal by keeping the nose positioned properly.


Septo-rhinoplasty is used to correct the way a patient breathes through their nose. For example, it is an appropriate solution for people suffering from a deviated septum. Your doctor will first make an incision in the lining of your nose (mucosa) while lifting it upwards so that any parts which are bent can be repositioned to allow the patient to breathe more easily.

Rhino-tip Surgery 

Rhino-tip surgery can be used to reshape the nose by adjusting the structure of the cartilage underneath. Scarring is reduced by performing the modifications on the inside of the nose. Through this procedure, your surgeon can create an ideal nose-tip. That’s why this surgery is popular for people looking to correct a crooked nose or hooked tip.

Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty 

Non-surgical rhinoplasty is also a very popular treatment for many patients. During this procedure your surgeon will use a filler to reshape the nose correcting any minor defects. Non-surgical rhinoplasty is ideal for people who are looking for a treatment to make small adjustments to the shape of their nose.

Best nose surgery clinic in Albania

The preparation for the procedure

You must meet with your surgeon before scheduling rhinoplasty to discuss important factors that will determine whether the surgery is likely to work well for you. 

This meeting would include:

Your medical history

The most important question your doctor will ask you is why you want to have surgery and what your goals are. Your doctor will also request your medical history, including any history of nasal obstruction, surgeries, and medications you are taking. You may not be a candidate for rhinoplasty if you have a bleeding disorder, such as hemophilia.

A physical examination

Your doctor will conduct a thorough physical examination, as well as any laboratory tests, such as blood tests. He or she will also look at your facial features as well as the inside and outside of your nose. 

The physical exam supports your doctor in deciding what changes are required and how your physical properties, such as skin thickness or the strength of the cartilage at the tip of your nose, may affect your results. The physical exam is also important for determining how rhinoplasty will affect your breathing.


Your doctor’s office will take photographs of your nose from various angles. Your surgeon may manipulate the photos using computer software to show you what kinds of results are possible. These photos will be used by your doctor for before-and-after similarities, reference during surgery, and long-term reviews. Most importantly, the photos allow for a focused discussion of the surgical goals. 

Your expectations will be discussed

Discuss your motivations and expectations with your doctor. He or she will explain what rhinoplasty can and cannot do for you, as well as the possible outcomes. It’s normal to be self-conscious about discussing your appearance, but it’s critical that you’re open with your surgeon about your surgery desires and goals. If you have a small chin, your surgeon may discuss chin lifting surgery with you. This is because a small chin creates the illusion of a larger nose.

In those cases, chin surgery is not required, but it may help balance the facial profile. If you’re having outpatient surgery, you’ll need to arrange for someone to drive you home once it’s scheduled. Memory lapses, slowed reaction time, and impaired judgment may take place in the first few days following anesthesia. So plan for a family member or friend to stay with you for a night or two to help you with personal care tasks while you recover from surgery. 

Medication and food

Avoid aspirin and ibuprofen-containing medications (Advil, Motrin IB, and others) for two weeks before and after surgery. These medications have the potential to increase bleeding. Only use medications that are approved or prescribed by your surgeon. Avoid herbal supplements and over-the-counter supplements as well. Only use medications that are approved or prescribed by your surgeon. 

Man rhinoplasty before and after results in Albania

What to expect during your rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty does not follow a specific sequence of steps. Each surgery is unique and specific to the particular anatomy and goals of the patient. 

Rhinoplasty requires either local anesthesia with sedation or general anesthesia, based on the extent of your surgery and the interest of your surgeon. Sedation and local anesthesia is normally used as an outpatient procedure. This only affects one part of your body.

A pain reliever is injected into your nasal tissues, and you are put to sleep with medication injected through an intravenous (IV) line. This makes you sleepy but not completely asleep. During anesthesia in general the drug (anesthetic) is injected either oral form or through a small tube (IV line) implanted into a vein in your hand, neck, or chest. General anesthesia affects the entire body, providing you are unconscious during surgery. A breathing tube is needed for general anesthesia.  

Rhinoplasty can be conducted either inside your nose or through a small external cut (incision) between your nostrils at the base of your nose. Your surgeon will most likely reposition the bone and cartilage from under your skin. Your surgeon can change the form of your nasal bones or cartilage in a variety of ways, depending on how much needs to be removed or added, the structure of your nose, and the materials available. The surgeon may use cartilage taken from deeper inside your nose or from your ear for minor changes. For larger changes, your surgeon may use rib cartilage, implants, or bone from other parts of your body.

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Albania provides some of the most affordable rhinoplasty surgeries in the region. Thanks to the country’s low tax regime and low labor costs, you can find a cost-effective solution to your problem while ensuring you receive the best expertise in cosmetic surgery.

The specific cost of your rhinoplasty may vary according to your case or the type of surgery. If you are interested in receiving an exact quote for your treatment, don’t hesitate to contact us. Our staff will answer all your questions in detail and our surgeons will provide you with a free consultation.

During your consultation your doctor will give you all the necessary recommendations in order to prepare for your rhinoplasty.

Some of the main instructions include consuming a healthy diet before your surgery, avoiding smoking, avoiding aspirin and other medications which have blood-thinning ingredients.

On the day of your surgery, you must not eat for six hours before the procedure and stop drinking water for two hours before the surgery. Don’t hesitate to address any other questions and concerns and your surgeon will provide detailed information and advice.

A rhinoplasty surgery is pain-free as everything will be performed under anesthesia. Keep in mind that some minimal pain, discomfort or a stuffy nose are completely normal right after the surgery. However, everything can be easily managed with painkillers prescribed by your surgeon.


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