Breast Reconstruction Albania – Cosmetic Surgery Tirana

Breast reconstruction in Albania is a type of surgery which is usually performed after a mastectomy. Sometimes this surgery is done after all the related treatments have been finished. Deciding whether to have a breast reconstruction after mastectomy depends on a variety of factors, some of which can directly relate to cancer while others with the progress of your treatments.

Breast reconstruction in Albania


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Reconstruction of breasts in Albania using Implants.

This type of procedure can only be done if there is enough breast tissue on the walls of the chest to support and cover a breast implant, after the mastectomy and radiation therapy are completed.

Breast reconstruction with flap 

This method works for those who do not want to get breast implants or don’t have enough tissues to support an implant. In order to perform a breast reconstruction with flap the surgeon will insert donor tissue via a flap technique. The most commonly used tissue comes from the lower abdominal. The fat and skin taken from these donor areas, which can include the thighs or buttocks as well, is then shaped into the form of a breast and inserted into the breast area.

Why do people have breast reconstruction?

In case the patient suffers from congenital deformities, or they have recently gone through a mastectomy or lumpectomy, a breast reconstruction surgery is a very effective and completely safe treatment for improving the shape and look of the breast.

Through a breast reconstruction procedure the surgeon will restore the natural shape and volume of the breast, making sure that everything is in proportion with the rest of the body. This treatment can significantly improve the psychological state of the patient as well as their overall appearance.

Woman breast reconstruction results before and after surgery procedure in Albania

Who is suitable for breast reconstruction?

Patients who are considered good candidates for breast reconstruction surgeries must share the following characteristics:

  • They are healthy physically as well as psychologically.
  • They feel like they are able to handle the treatments and the diagnosis.
  • They have set realistic expectations regarding the breast reconstruction results.
  • They don’t suffer from any medical conditions which can be detrimental to their recovery process.
  • They understand that the results of a breast reconstruction procedure can differ from person to person as well as from their natural breasts.

Breast reconstruction cost in Albania

Breast reconstruction in Albania comes at affordable prices. If you’re looking for a breast reconstruction surgery we highly recommend considering Albania as your most cost effective and safe choice. Here, you will find some of the most qualified surgeons in cosmetic surgery who specialize in breast reconstructions after a mastectomy. Because the country has a very low tax regime compared to other places, we are able to provide quality services at affordable prices. In order to get a specific estimate for your breast reconstruction you can consult one of our surgeons and they will be happy to address any questions and concerns you may have.

At our clinic, you will receive an all-inclusive treatment including free consultation with our doctors and surgeons who will address all your questions and concerns. In addition you can rely on 24/7 assistance from our medical staff and nurses who will be there to take care of you if any issues arise. A medical assessment before surgery, as well as all the aftercare treatment and tips, will be part of the overall treatment. That’s why choosing Albania for your breast reconstruction suregery is the best and safest choice.

What does it involve?

The purpose of a breast reconstruction surgery in Albania is to restore the normal shape of the breasts improving their appearance, overall symmetry and size. This treatment is usually done after a mastectomy, lumpectomy or if the patient suffers from congenital deformities.

Fortunately, there have been huge advancements in breast reconstruction techniques, so now surgeons can reconstruct a breast to look extremely natural and almost exactly the same as the patient’s natural breast. Breast reconstruction is done using implants or by implementing tissue grafts.

Although there might be slight differences in the volume or contour of the reconstructed breast, it will still be by appealing, attractive and aesthetically pleasing, perfectly imitating the look of a natural breast.

Breast reconstruction in Albania has repeatedly shown to have a significantly huge impact on the patients confidence and self-image. Improving their psychological health, this kind of treatment comes with huge advantages which have been proven over the years.

Need something else?

Here are some other treatments you may be looking for:

When performing a breast reconstruction with flap there are two options available. The difference between these two methods lies in their execution. For a breast reconstruction with TRAM flap the tissue is taken from your abdominal muscles and soft tissue is used as well. For a breast reconstruction with DIEP flap the abdominal muscles are not used and instead only soft fat tissue is taken. Bothl procedures are similar as they both require a long period of time for the patient to recover and deliver similar results.

After the breast reconstruction surgery is over and the general anesthetic starts to fade away you will find yourself in a recovery room at our clinic. Any feelings of drowsiness will wear off in a few hours. You will be allowed to eat and hydrate in several hours and at this point the staff will assist you when leaving the clinic.

Slight feelings of discomfort or pain are normal immediately after the surgery and they will wear off in a matter of days. Our clinic is open 24/7 to provide assistance for any issues that may arise so don’t hesitate to contact our medical staff and ask any questions you might have.

In order to see the final results of your breast reconstruction surgery you have to wait for  approximately 6 weeks. As you heal you will notice additional improvements in your appearance and in 12 to 18 months you will be able to see your fully reconstructed and healed breast. Your surgeon will provide you with tips and advice throughout your recovery process.

After your breast reconstruction surgery you will probably be asked to visit our clinic for a check-up appointment to evaluate your healing process and your progres. This post surgery appointment usually happens one or two weeks after your plastic surgery. 


Again after 6 weeks your doctor will ask for another appointment to evaluate your progress and remove any stitches that you may have. Your surgeon will probably advise that you keep wearing your garments for optimal results.

Rest assured that you will have the support and assistance of our medical staff throughout your whole recovery process, so don’t hesitate to reach out to our nurses and doctors if there is anything that concerns you.

If you have done breast reconstruction after a mastectomy you may be wondering whether you can still have a mammogram after your procedure. Usually women who have been through mastectomy don’t need to have mammograms for the treated breast however they are still required to to do regular check-ups on the other breast.

In such cases don’t worry, as it is possible for you to have a mammogram even if you have had breast reconstruction surgery. However, we recommend that you do regular physical exams as well, since cancer is more likely to be spotted that way.

When making an appointment for a mammogram after a breast reconstruction surgery make sure that your clinic has the right doctors, equipment and expertise to perform mammograms on women with breast implants. If you’re looking for experienced doctors who can properly position the implant in order to get accurate images of your breasts our clinic can assist you at any time.


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