Zirconia Crowns in Albania

Zirconia crown option in Albania is a great thought to improve your smile. The price for zirconia crowns in Albania is up to 70% less than European countries. Dental clinics in Tirana are well-specialized in this treatment abroad and right now count thousands of successful cases.

Zirconia Crowns in Albania.

Price for zirconia crowns in Albania is €170, contact us to get an offer for your whole teeth with zirconia crowns.


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Zirconia Crown Tooth Replacement in Tirana, Albania

Albanian dental clinics welcome you to visit them and promise to give back the comfort and the smile of your dreams. What makes it more special is the fact that you do not need to pay that much for your treatments. Albania is a country that offers facilities especially for international patients which have to travel from far away because they believe in its services. Believe us once and we will build the trust forever. 

Give yourself the opportunity to experience a new place, new culture and new traditions by choosing us for the destination of your treatments. Let’s have a look why Albania is the perfect destination for your zirconia crown treatment.

Before and after zirconia crowns in Albania.

What is a Zirconia tooth Crown?

Zirconia is a white, powdered metal oxide which belongs to the top when it is about comparing with other ceramic crowns fabrication. It is a very strong material, incredibly resistant and these make it very difficult to crack. Its mechanical features make this material seem like a natural tooth and make them suitable to be places also in front and back regions. Using Zirconia Crowns you can guarantee a beautiful natural smile to yourself.   

Zirconium crown in Albania results before and after.

Zirconia teeth Crowns cost in Albania

It gets really hard when it comes to paying for the service, right? We have one bad and one good news for you. The bad one is that both types of treatments are really expensive. You have to give a lot from your savings. The good news is that this does not happen in Albania. Zirconia tooth crowns are NOT expensive in Albania. You may be used to hearing about the high prices that places like the USA have, but Albania dental clinics offer you the most competitive prices. You can have both treatments at affordable prices with the highest material quality.

How zirconium crowns in Albania work.

Some advantages of Zirconia Crown

Strength and durability

It offers five times more strength than porcelain making the zirconia crown a very good choice for dental patients that may have broken, cracked or fractured crowns made by other materials.

Very good stain resistance

Zirconia is a material that has a higher ability on resisting staining compared to other ceramic or acrylic materials. It may be preferable for all of you who give a big importance to the appearance of a smile. The material resists staining from different drinks such as tea, coffee, wine and also from nicotine.

It keeps your teeth original

In general, other types of crowns require a little bit more of the tooth to be removed. It happens in order to have good results. The teeth around the crown may also need to be prepared before the crown’s placement. What about the Zirconia Crown? Well, it does not need that much removal from the natural teeth, in order to keep your teeth as natural and healthy as possible which is an essential priority of dentists.

Process of zirconia crown in Albania final results.

It is hypoallergenic

What is really special for zirconia is the ability to fit really well with the human body. Thanks to this, zirconia material is so popular and it is part of a large number of medical applications. Some patients are really sensitive to several materials. With zirconia there is less chance to have an allergic experience.

It keeps your natural appearance

Basically, zirconia is a material made of metal alloy. However they have a great performance in keeping a very natural appearance.For this reason it is considered sometimes as a ceramic crown related to the effects in the appearance.

Why choose Albania for the Zirconia Crown?

Affordable prices

Albanian dental clinics welcome every patient and promise them the best results with unbelievable prices. It happened to all of us at least one time in our life to go and ask for the same product in two different places and take two different options about the price. Yes, it is really rare but in Albania you can have the same treatments that are available in every place in the world with the lowest prices. We can make this dream come true. 

Woman smiling after doing zirconia crowns successfully in Albania.

It is also the priority that dental clinics in Albania gives you. You can avoid paying extra charges. You will have to pay just for things related to the treatments you are having. Also if your treatments will last for a long period of time, they support you with transportation  with private cars and drivers. They will pick you up with the cars to the clinic, sometimes  also from the airport to the hotel and so on. 

Dental clinics in Albania are conscious that an international patient compared to national ones has also to pay for the tickets, hotel, food etc. This is the reason why their priority is to make you feel comfortable not just in their professional services which are the  best  but also want to help for the economical part. Moreover, it has to be mentioned that during your stay you can have a lot of facilities that relate to very cheap prices of the food, transportation and also the prices of the hotels are really affordable. 

Zirconia crown before after.

You will be able to do your treatments at very affordable prices, you can travel inside the country with unbelievable low cost and have the best experience ever that a place can provide you.

Modern dental clinics

Health is over all. This is the reason why it is very important to choose the right people that have to do with it. Dental clinics in Albania are built with the most innovative structures. They operate with the latest technologies, since most dentists have studied abroad. 

They invested hard in themselves to promise you the highest quality treatments. If you choose Albanian clinics as your destination for dental service, during your treatments you will figure out the very well chosen structure they work with. After the final results you will understand why Albanian clinics are the right choice.

Results of smile restoration using zirconium dental crowns.

A breathtaking location for tourists

Albania is one of the most beautiful places in Europe. It is a hidden masterpiece of nature. Albanian people have been taking care for years to keep their nature pure and promote their unique culture and traditions. During your stay you can have a tour to see the most incredible places ever. You can invite your friends and family, since Albania is considered as one of the less dangerous places in Europe. 

Transform  your visit to the dentist into an unforgettable experience. Build new memories, relax your mind in the transparent blue seas, take some fresh air climbing in the white and green mountains of Albania. Use the opportunity that is given to you as a chance to relax your mind, to get to know more about other cultures and traditions. You can choose between being patient or being a tourist who has come to visit a new place. We promise you that your return will be with a beautiful attractive smile and unforgettable moments in your mind.

Smile after dental crowns made with zirconia.

Dentists who can speak your language

If you have a consultation in Albanian dental clinics you can notice that most dentists are bilingual. They can speak different  foreign languages such as Italian, Greek, German and so on. They use their personal skills out of their field to build a good and familiar relationship between them and the patients. But what if they do not know your language? 

Nothing to worry about! Dental clinics in Albania offer translators with at least 9 languages. Their priority is firstly to understand clearly the information the patient gives related to the case he is being through, in order to guarantee the right option for him and the best results. So, there is no way for misunderstanding during the consultation. Join us once and you will want to join us more than twice. 

Need something else?

If you are looking for other dental treatments, we got everything you need!

Since zirconia is a very durable material with incredible strength and longevity, it can last from 10 to 15 years and sometimes it can maybe a lifetime. E-max crowns can last from 5 to 15 years or even longer. It is a good choice when the case has to do with a stain or a damage with the front teeth. Of course in both cases, this is valued when the patients have good oral care and listen to the dentist’s instructions.

Zirconia and E-Max crowns are both more expensive than the traditional ones. But it is worth it because of its longevity. In case if we compare both crowns, E-Max crowns are the most expensive.

In general, full-ceramic crowns that are often considered and prefered by patients because they offer the most natural look.


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