August 26, 2024

5 Tips On How To Maintain BBL Results

After going through a Brazilian Butt Lift, it is understandable that you would like to show off your new figure. However, keep in mind that maintaining the results is not as easy as it seems. The BBL process is much more than just leaving the operating room. 

Our surgeons are artists when it comes to creating the perfect feminine form; they are not just skilled at the technical parts of the procedure. They can provide you with advice on how to take care of your newly sculpted body effectively and will provide you with the right information regarding the transformational impact of Brazilian Butt Lifts. The information they provide will allow you to enjoy your gorgeous new appearance for many years to come.

In this blog post, we will provide you with the right advice and techniques on how to take care of your body after a Brazilian Butt Lift procedure. This way, you will be able to maintain the results for a very long time. 

How To Maintain The BBL Results?

We know that the Brazilian Butt lift procedure will change your whole body. But in order to maintain the fantastic results that this surgery provides you, it is important to pay the right attention to the aftercare. 

The right aftercare will not only make sure that you recover properly but also make sure the results last for a very long time. This is very important because, without the right care, the BBL results will start to face and gradually change. 

In order to avoid this issue, it is better to take the proper measures and pay enough attention to your body and the way it is recovering. Furthermore, we will mention five important tips that will help you keep the results of the Brazilian Butt Lift for many years to come. 

Maintain Realistic Expectations

Even though the main purpose of a Brazilian Butt Lift procedure is to improve the appearance of your body by enhancing the shape and the look of your butt area, it is important to keep realistic expectations. It is also important to understand that the shape of your body will continue to change during the recovery period. 

Keep in mind that it will take a couple of months for the changes to fully set in with the body. Your perception of the results will change several times, so it is important to be patient until the final ones are apparent.

During your appointment at Medical Tourism in Albania, we will go over every detail of the procedure and your recovery. This entails talking to you about your aesthetic goals and giving you an accurate and realistic perception of what the surgery can and cannot do for you.

Setting realistic expectations is much easier when you are aware of your body type and what can be achieved by your BBL surgery. By doing so, you can easily avoid any disappointments regarding the results in the future. You’re more likely to be pleased with your long-term outcomes if you have a realistic idea of what to expect.

Make Lifestyle Changes For Long-Term Success

Another thing you should be aware of is that the Brazilian Butt Lift procedure is not a weight loss treatment. Instead, this surgery will offer excellent results for those who want to enhance their natural beauty and make their curves more prominent.

One important factor that you should keep in mind if you want the BBL results to last for a long time is that weight changes can significantly affect the shape and volume of your butt after treatment. Additionally, we will mention some important lifestyle changes that you should consider if you want the results to remain unaltered for a very long time: 

During the recovery period after a BBL procedure, you should avoid unhealthy habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol. Not only will these habits lead to complications, but they will also prolong the healing process. If you want the results to last for a long time and for a smoother recovery, try avoiding them. 

Maintaining a healthy diet will not only help you maintain an ideal weight but also help you recover faster. By doing so, the results will remain unaltered for longer periods of time, and your body will look amazing. Besides keeping a healthy diet, you should also drink a lot of water during the day. This will help the body regenerate the tissues faster and help speed up the recovery process. 

After recovering completely, you should resume your regular exercise routine. Start with slower steps and gradually increase them as time passes. This way, you will boost your metabolism and improve blood circulation. 

Revise Your Skincare Routine For Post-BBL Care

There will be significant changes to your body after a Brazilian Butt Lift, especially to your skin. This is why it is important to pay enough attention to your skincare routine during the recovery period. Furthermore, we will mention some important tips that will help you maintain the results of a Brazilian Butt Lift procedure:

  • It is very important to keep the incision sight as clean as possible. By maintaining cleanliness, you will allow the body to heal better and avoid any infections.
  • After the procedure is over, if you want to go outside, you should protect your skin from sun exposure. You can either wear protective clothing or sunscreen with a level of protection over 30. For better results, apply the cream every two hours. 
  • Pay a lot of attention to your incisions. Any pressure or strain in the treatment area can cause issues, so try to avoid it. 
  • Your surgeons will recommend using creams to keep the treated area moisturized and hydrated. This will maintain the skin’s elasticity and hydration at normal levels.

Stick To The Post-Operative Care Plan For Your BBL

It is important to carefully follow the post-operative care plan that your surgeon will provide for you. These recommendations will not be the same for everyone, and they will be designed according to your special needs to encourage proper healing. 

This way, you will also reduce the possibility of infections and other issues. By carefully following this post-operative care plan, you will make sure that the results last for many years to come. Some of the advice involved in the recovery procedure include:

  • Wear Compression Garments: Use the compression garments as directed by your surgeon. This helps reduce swelling and improve the contouring results.
  • For the first weeks, do not sleep and sit on your butt. Applying pressure in the treated area can affect the look of the buttocks and affect the healing.
  • Avoid engaging in strenuous exercise for at least several weeks after the surgery.

Choose The Right Surgeon For Optimal Results

While following all of our BBL care suggestions is critical, the experience of your surgeon is also very important. A skilled surgeon will help you through every stage of the procedure, from consultation to recuperation, to guarantee the best outcomes.

The interests of the patient should be the surgeon’s first priority. They should have the expertise to keep an eye on your recovery and post-treatment care, adjusting as needed to maximize your outcomes and overall experience.

Our surgeons at Medical Tourism in Albania are dedicated to improving people’s lives with revolutionary cosmetic operations. We view Brazilian Butt Lift surgery as both a medical and an artistic technique. Our staff stands out for its careful attention to detail and dedication to excellence. 

By taking the right precautions and choosing the right surgeon who knows how to combine both clinical expertise and artistic finesse, you will make sure that you will get the results you desire and make sure they last for a very long time.

Picture of Jessica


Meet Jessica, the compassionate website publisher with a passion for medical tourism, medical procedures, plastic surgery, and uncovering the wonders of Albania. Through her informative and eloquent writing, she guides and empowers readers to make informed decisions about healthcare and explore the beauty of this enchanting country. Let Jessica be your trusted source for all things related to health, travel, and self-discovery.

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