November 1, 2024

Everything You Need To Know About Breast Implant Removal

The procedure of getting rid of breast implants, whether saline or silicone, is called breast implant removal. To give the breasts a fuller and rounder look, surgeons often recommend combining this with a breast lift or fat transfer.

At Medical Tourism Albania, we have expert surgeons who offer the best breast enhancement treatments, including implant removal. Additionally, we will explain everything you need to know about the breast implant removal procedure to help you better understand it.

Breast implant removal in Albania

What Will Happen As Soon As The Breast Implants Are Removed?

Soon after the implant removal procedure, you will notice that your breasts look kind of deflated. This is normal because the implants hold them up.

After about two weeks some of the initial volume that you had before will start to recover. If the patient wishes to return some of the volumes, our surgeons here at Medical Tourism will suggest additional surgeries like a breast lift or fat transfer. If you choose this approach both procedures will be done at the same time.

Do I Need To Remove My Breast Implants?

The short answer is yes. Although there is no specific timeline for when implants should be removed, our surgeons recommend replacing them after 10-20 years.

We advise against waiting for them to rupture or cause other medical issues before considering removal. Regular check-ups with your doctor are important, and they will recommend whether removal and replacement are the best course of action.

When Should I Consider Having My Breast Implants Removed?

Some of the main reasons why people may consider having their breast implants removed include:

  • Wanting to change the size of the implants.
  • Risk of implant rupture.
  • Breast asymmetry.
  • Any sign of breast implant illness. 
  • Scar tissue hardening.

Should I Replace My Breast Implants After Ten Years?

Although there is not an exact time when should breast implants be changed, there will be several factors that will make you consider it. Pregnancy and the natural aging process are the two main reasons.

If you want your breasts to keep looking full and round while also maintaining a youthful look then it will be a good idea to have them removed and consider additional treatments. 

Should I Have Regular Checkups For My Breast Implants?

At Medical Tourism in Albania, we encourage every client who has breast implants to get regular checkups done. This way you will avoid any medical issues and avoid unexpected implant rupture. 

In order to address these problems, you should do yearly physical examinations like ultrasounds or MRI scans. It is advised to have an MRI three years following surgery and then every two years thereafter.

Breast implants in Albania, breast surgery

What Is The Process For Taking Out Silicone Breast Implants?

The procedure of removing silicone breast implants will start with the administration of general anesthesia. The surgeon will make the same incision from the initial surgery and get the implants out. 

Can I Get Breast Implant Removal Surgery If I’m Pregnant?

Our expert surgeons here at Medical Tourism Albania do not recommend breast implant removal surgery to patients who are pregnant or are planning to. Rather it is recommended you wait after pregnancy since the bo will experience several changes. 

Is A Breast Lift Necessary After Implant Removal?

If you want your breasts to continue looking rounder and fuller after a breast implant removal procedure, a breast lift will work great. Our surgeons here at Medical Tourism Albania do not consider this procedure a MUST, and the choice will depend on what the patient wants to achieve. 

During the consultation with your surgeon, they will determine if you are suitable for a combination of a breast lift and breast implant removal or if the procedures will need to be performed in different sessions. 

How Should I Get Ready For Breast Implant Removal Surgery?

Prior to breast implant surgery, the surgeon will most likely advise you to stop taking certain medications that can increase the risk of infections or bleeding. Some of these medications include blood thinners like aspirin, blood thinners, herbal supplements, vitamin E, and other prescribed medications.

Additionally, the surgeon will also have you take some blood tests days before surgery. If you smoke it is advised to stop at least one month before surgery. By following this recommendation you will minimize the risks of infections and complications and have successful results and recovery. 

Breast implant replacement in Albania

How Are Breast Implants Removed?

The whole breast implant removal procedure will be done under the effect of anesthesia. In order to remove the implants without causing additional scars the surgeon will make an incision in the same location as the original breast surgery. 

Usually, the incisions will be located in the inframmary fold which is the natural crease of the breasts where the lower part of the breast meets the chest wall. After making this incision, the implant will be removed together with the surrounding breast capsule or alone. 

After carefully removing the implants, the surgeon will close the wound with small incisions that are almost invisible. If additional procedures will be done on the same day, the procedure will take a little longer. 

Will I Experience Pain During Explant Surgery?

The breast implant removal procedure will be done under the effect of general anesthesia so, no you won’t feel any type of pain or discomfort. This means that you will be unconscious for the entire surgery and after you wake up the nurses will most likely provide painkillers for you. 

How Long Does Breast Implant Removal Take To Perform?

The procedure of removing breast implants will take about one to two hours to be done. If the patient chooses to combine it with an additional surgery like breast lift or fat transfer then it will take longer. 

Can I Go Home The Same Day After Breast Implant Removal?

In most cases, after the breast implant removal procedure, the patient will be able to return home and rest. The doctor will come and check on you and after the effects of anesthesia wear out you will be free to go.

In order to ease the pain and make you as comfortable as possible they will prescribe painkiller medications. Carefully follow the advice and recommendations of the surgeon if you want a faster recovery and successful results. 

How Soon After Breast Implant Removal Will I See The Results?

After breast implant removal, you’ll need to be patient with the results, as it will take several weeks for the full outcome to become visible. Initially, the breasts may appear deflated, but over time, you’ll notice the volume gradually increasing, and the breasts will start to return to their natural shape.

How Long Does It Take To Recover After Breast Implant Removal?

The full recovery after the breast implant removal procedure will take about 6 to 8 weeks to show. During this period you will notice the changes but it will take some time for them to completely fit with the body.

Breast implant removal recovery

How Much Time Should I Take Off Work After Implant Removal Surgery?

In order to rest and properly heal we recommend our patients to take at least one week of work. The first stages of recovery are crucial so it is important to be careful and take your time. 

When Can I Exercise After Breast Implant Removal?

If you regularly attend the gym it is important to take a break. After breast implant removal surgery you should avoid engaging in strenuous exercise for at least 6 weeks. However, we still encourage our patients to start with light walks until they feel ready.

When Can I Shower After Breast Implant Removal Surgery?

After you return home you should wait at least two days after surgery to shower. Dont forget to only use lukewarm water and to not spend more than 10 minutes. 

When Can I Drive After Breast Implant Removal?

Avoid driving your car for at least one week after breast implant removal surgery to avoid any accidents from happening. 

Will I Have Scars After Breast Implant Removal Surgery?

Small scars after breast implant removal surgery are normal and they will be located on the same spot where the previous scars were. If you want to minimize these scars consider these factors:

  • Avoid hot showers for a period of time.
  • Quit smoking for at least one month before and after the surgery.
  • Try to drink a lot of water during the day to be normally hydrated.
  • Wear your compression garments for as long as your doctor advises.

What Is The Best Sleeping Position After Breast Implant Removal?

Sleeping position is very important when it comes to the success of the implant removal procedure. The best sleeping position during the recovery period is on your back.

This will be very important for at least 6 to 8 weeks after the surgery since it will help minimize excessive pressure on the incision site. If you choose to sleep in another position you can experience significant pain and discomfort. 

What Exercises Can I Do After Breast Implant Removal?

The best exercise you can do after a breast implant removal procedure is light walking. This will promote healthy blood circulation which will lead to a speedier recovery. Avoid strenuous exercises that require a lot of movement since recovery can be affected. 

How Can I Achieve Tighter Skin After Breast Implant Removal?

After breast implant removal it is normal that the breast will feel saggy and droopy. In order to address this issue additional procedures can be helpful. This includes a breast lift or fat injection. 

What Is The Best Type Of Bra To Wear After Explant Surgery?

To help support the breasts during the healing period it is important to choose the right type of bra. Our surgeons will provide a medical-grade compression bra that should be worn for at least six weeks. 

The bras you choose should be fastened from the front since they are easier to put on and remove. This way you will also avoid unnecessary movement that can interfere with the healing of the wound.

Breast implant removal in Albania recovery timeline

How Long Does It Take For Breasts To Get Back To Normal After Implant Removal?

The healing period after breast implant removal will be different for every patient. However, the approximate time for the breast to go back to normal is 6 to 9 months. 

Why Do Breasts Appear Saggy After Implants Are Removed?

The main reason why breasts seem saggy after the breast implant removal procedure is due to the loss of skin that was previously supporting the implants. Additional factors like hormonal changes, fluctuation of weight, and the natural aging process are other factors that can affect te way they look. 

How Will I Feel After Implant Removal?

After the procedure is complete and the anesthesia wears off, you should feel normal. It is common to experience some bruising and swelling during the first two weeks, but don’t worry — this will subside on its own.

When Can I Get Pregnant After Implant Removal?

We recommend our patients wait at least three months after the procedure if they want to get pregnant. This is because the body needs some time to get back to normal after a surgical procedure is performed and to reduce the risks of complications like scarring and discomfort. 

Is Breast Implant Removal Safe?

Breast implant removal surgery is very safe when performed by experts like the ones here at Medical Tourism in Albania. These are some risks that you can expect if you choose an unqualified and inexperienced plastic surgeon:

  • Infection of the wound.
  • Sensitivity on the nipple area.
  • Accumulation of fluid under the skin (Seroma).
  • Bleeding. 
  • Hematoma. 
  • Swelling of the area that doesn’t substitute after two weeks. 

Does Breast Implant Removal Procedure Hurt?

The breast implant removal procedure won’t cause any pain or discomfort during the surgery since you will be under the effect of general anesthesia. However, during the recovery period, some mild discomfort is normal. 

How Common Are Breast Implant Problems?

For women who are experiencing breast implant problems such as back pain or fatigue, breast implant removal can be very beneficial. While this condition happens rarely in some women, after the implants are removed they will feel much better and the symptoms will improve. 

The surgeon may also remove scar tissue surrounding the implants during the removal process. Although many people say they feel better following surgery, it’s important to speak with an experienced surgeon about your best alternatives.

Can Breast Implants Add Weight To The Body?

Yes, it is normal for the breast implant to add weight to the body. This weight will depend on the size and material used to compose them. Breast implants can weigh anywhere from 0.2 to 0.7 kg on average, so depending on the size of the implants, you could gain 0.5 to 1.5 kg or more. But in most cases, this extra weight is small and won’t cause any issues in your everyday activities.

Picture of Jessica


Meet Jessica, the compassionate website publisher with a passion for medical tourism, medical procedures, plastic surgery, and uncovering the wonders of Albania. Through her informative and eloquent writing, she guides and empowers readers to make informed decisions about healthcare and explore the beauty of this enchanting country. Let Jessica be your trusted source for all things related to health, travel, and self-discovery.

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