As plastic surgery continues to develop, many men have started to adapt to it. The popularity of cosmetic surgery has increased over time and it has become a good choice for those who want to look younger and reduce signs of ageing.
The most common surgery performed and the most effective will be facelift. In this blog post we will explain facelift options for men, why they are popular, how the procedure is different for men compared to women, recovery and aftercare, maintaining the results and some of the potential risks.

Understanding the Facelift Surgery for Men
Facelifts are amazing procedures that will treat every sign of ageing, from mild to severe. This surgery aims to tighten the skin on the neck and face while also removing wrinkles and excess skin.
The first step of the facelift surgery for men will be the initial consultation. During this process the surgeon will ask several questions and recommend some examinations in order to understand if the patient is suitable or not.
Once the day of the surgery comes, the surgeon will reposition the facial muscles and lift them to offer a strong foundation for the new adjustments. After the repositioning, the excess skin will be removed and the remaining skin will be adjusted to create a smoother face without wrinkles and fine lines.
The main focus of the surgeon during this surgery will be to adapt the results with masculine features and make the face look natural without looking too tightened. It is very important to find a plastic surgeon who has excessive training in masculine features.
Men have a different facial composition than women and aging will affect them differently, this will especially be noticed around the jaw and neck. These will be the main targeted areas by the surgeons.
The main challenge of the facelift procedure for men will be finding the correct way to hide the incision so they won’t be noticeable to others after the patient has completely healed. A professional surgeon will focus on different areas of the jaw and reposition and remove the skin without compromising the masculinity of the patient.
The main purpose of the facelift procedure will be the same for both men and women. They aim to reduce the signs of aging, lift the skin, make it look tighter and eliminate excess tissue.
However there are a number of differences that need to be considered. It is important to find a surgeon who is familiar with men’s skin and facial muscles since they tend to be stronger and tighter than in women. This will definitely affect the treatment plan and the technique that will be used.
Additionally, since most men have beards and hair on their cheeks and sideburns, precise incision placement will also be crucial. If the surgeon is not competent in male facelifts, the results can be compromised.
Overall we would like to emphasize that finding the right surgeon who is trained in male facelifts is very important for the success of the treatment.
Female Facelift Vs Male Facelift: What Is The Difference?
The main differences between male and female in terms of cosmetic facial surgeries will be the thickness of the skin, tightness of the muscles and facial hair. All these components will play an important role in the development of the treatment plan and the overall results.
Most men have hair on their cheeks or on their sideburns. These areas should be managed extra carefully so there won’t be noticeable incision signs on the face.
The surgeon should try and find the right way and place to make the incisions sothe hair patterns won’t be disrupted. If this is not taken into consideration, the results may look unnatural and make the incisions visible.
Facial hair is very important for men as it represents their masculinity. Finding the right way to place these incisions will make people think that you have not undergone any surgery or that it was a pretty good one.
Another change between men and women is that men’s skin is thicker and the vanes are more visible especially in the neck. Due to this the surgeon should be very careful when reshaping and repositioning the skin.
If performed by an inexperienced surgeon, the result may be a face that looks overly pulled or unnaturally tight — an outcome no one desires. The goal of a facelift is to achieve a younger, more refreshed appearance without making it obvious that surgery was performed. Every man considering a facelift wants to look naturally rejuvenated, not surgically altered.
Results after the procedure will also be more prominent in men. They will notice these changes as soon as 2 weeks after the operation. As the time goes on the side effects such as swelling and bruising will go down, producing amazing results.

Is Facelift Surgery The Right Choice For Every Man?
Once men reach their 40 or even earlier on, they will start to notice signs of aging. Some of these signs will be deeper wrinkles, excess skin, jowls and loss of jaw definition. The neck will also be impacted.
As you might have understood by now, all these concerns will be easily addressed by a facelift. This surgical procedure will be recommended in cases when the patient wants to address severe aging issues not for minimal changes. For minimal changes consider other less invasive treatments.
However when it comes to surgical procedures not everyone will be suitable. Patients considering facelifts should complete some requirements.
First of all, good overall health is very important since the surgery will impact every part of the body. Having a strong immune system will ensure a smoother and speedier recovery, making it easier for the patient.
Additionally, having realistic expectations is also important. The results will be different for every patient so you should be aware of what and what cannot be achieved.
Keep in mind that the results after a facelift for men won’t stop the natural ageing process. As we grow older the skin will continue to experience changes but at a slower rate.
Lifestyle factors such as smoking and alcohol consumption will also need to be considered. Men who don’t smoke or are willing to quit will have an easier and faster recovery process, minimise the risks of possible complications and support normal blood circulation. Ideally, the patient should be willing to quit smoking for a period of 1 to two months before and after the facelift.
As we mentioned, each patient is unique and the results will definitely be different. For some men the changes will be more noticeable due to good skin elasticity. Skin elasticity responds better to changes made. Once the patient would have fully recovered the results will be amazing and not look over-pulled or too tight.
Recovery And Aftercare After Men Facelift Surgery
Recovery is the second part of the procedure that plays an important role in the results. Once the procedure is over and the effect of anaesthesia wears out, men will experience some level of swelling, bruising and discomfort in the face and neck area.
In order to manage the pain and discomfort the surgeon will recommend some pain relief medications. This way makes the recovery manageable and relieves any unwanted feelings. Also the surgeon will advise on how to take good care of the incisions so there won’t be any scarring left.
The most important thing to do is to carefully follow their advice if you want to fully recover and minimize the possibility of side effects. Keep in mind that every man heals differently, some may experience swelling for a longer period of time. Besides this most of the patients will be able to return to their every day activities for about three weeks.
However if you have an active lifestyle and engage in regular exercise, take your time. This is important because we want to avoid the raise of blood pressure or apply a lot of pressure to the incisions. Having patience is important since it will promote better healing and results.
Last but not least, we recommend every man who undergoes the facelift to avoid direct sun exposure for at least some time. During the healing process it is important to protect our face by applying sunscreen every 2 hours or keeping protective clothing that covers the incisions.
Maintaining The Facelift Results For As Long As Possible
If you want the results of your facelift to last as long as possible there are some steps that you should take. First, we will start with maintaining healthy habits.
By healthy habits we mean drinking a lot of water, engaging into physical activity, maintaining a healthy diet full of protein and healthy fats and protecting the face from the UV rays. Combining all these factors together will help you stay healthy for a long time while keeping your skin firm and wrinkle-free.
We also recommend avoiding smoking or limiting it to moderation. Smoking negatively impacts blood circulation and reduces collagen and skin elasticity, both of which are essential for maintaining healthy, youthful skin. Following these important steps will help ensure long-lasting results and overall well-being.
Although facelifts for men provide amazing results which will last for a very long time they are not permanent. As we continue to age, the skin will naturally change, but in this case, the ageing process will occur at a slower pace.
In order to maintain the results and keep looking younger we would recommend trying some non-surgical treatments. Contact your surgeon in Albania for regular appointments and they will recommend the right treatments for you.

Potential Risks Of Facelift Surgery For Men
As with any surgical procedure, facelifts for man also come with potential risks. These risks can arise during and after the procedure is over.
Although the possibility of complications is rare and it can be minimised by choosing an experienced surgeon still there is a possibility. During your initial consultation your surgeon should discuss these issues and help you understand what you should avoid.
Bleeding And Haematoma
After surgery bleeding is a normal side effect. However in some cases when the bleeding is internal a hematoma will be formed. In order to minimise the risk of this happening the surgeon will recommend the patient to stop taking some medication that can promote blood circulation.
In cases when bleeding becomes excessive, the surgeon will need to intervene. After stopping the bleeding the patient will need to constantly monitor the wound healing and discuss with their surgeon about any unusual signs that they might notice.
Damage to the Facial Nerves
Repositioning and tightening skin and muscle tissue during facelift surgery puts the facial nerves at danger. Inflammation or irritation of the nerves can cause temporary numbness, tingling, or weakness.
Thankfully, once the nerves heal, these feelings usually go away in a few weeks or months. Even though permanent nerve damage is uncommon, it is nevertheless very important to follow your surgeon’s instructions regarding any face workouts or motions during the first months of the healing phase.
Infection Of The Wounds
Facelifts are no exception when it comes to the possibility of infection. However, infection usually occurs during the healing process due to the lack of hygiene.
In order to promote speedier recovery and promote wound healing follow the surgeons guidelines carefully. This includes using the right medications, properly cleaning the wound and overall hygiene.
To further reduce the risk of infection, you may be prescribed antibiotics. Even if you feel better before the end of the course, it is important to finish the entire course of these prescriptions. In order to guarantee prompt treatment of any emergent infection, you should contact your healthcare practitioner right away if you have increasing discomfort, redness, or discharge around the incision site.