September 20, 2024

How to Care for Your Hair After a Transplant: Dos and Don’ts for Best Results

It is very common for men to suffer from hair loss once they reach 30 or even earlier. This can happen for several reasons. The only solution to hair loss is hair transplants. The success of this procedure is very high meaning that after the treatment you will get a full head of hair. 

Just like with any surgical procedure, the success of it will highly depend on the recovery process. If you don’t properly take care of your newly transplanted hair healing might take quite some time. On the other hand, if you follow the doctor’s orders you will heal in no time and the results will be amazing. 

In this blog post, we will help you understand the importance of post-care after a hair transplant, while also mentioning some important dos and don’ts for the best results.

hair transplant recovery

How Long Does Hair Transplant Recovery Take?

Although the benefits of hair transplants will be noticeable in the first weeks after surgery, the full results will be completed after several months. The procedure will be done under the effects of local anesthesia so you won’t experience any pain or discomfort.

However, during the first week after surgery, you will notice swelling, pain, and scabbing. As time passes these symptoms will go down on their own. 

Hair Transplant Recovery Stages

With hair transplants, patience is key. Even though you want the results to show as soon as possible it is important to wait, because the complete recovery after this procedure will take several months. 

This is because hair grows in stages, and the newly transplanted hair will need to go through these stages in order to grow. Furthermore, we will discuss the hair transplant recovery stages and what happens during each stage.

2 weeks after hair transplant

The recovery from a hair transplant will begin two weeks after the hair transplant surgery. As you enter this stage the swelling will go down. However, it is normal to still notice red areas, since the hair scabs continue to fall, in order for the new hair to grow. 

1-4 months after hair transplant

After 1 month of hair transplant journey, you will notice that your hair will start to shed. This means that after the transplanted hair starts to fall the follicles will produce new healthier ones. 

The new hairs will not be as strong as your other ones in the beginning and they will look fine, tin, and delicate. It is important to be patient. As time passes your hair will mature and become thicker and fuller. 

4-8 months after hair transplant

You will start to notice more improvements and growth after 4 to 8 months after hair transplant surgery. That thin and delicate hair will become more visible and tick, giving you an idea of how the results will turn out after a year. 

 During this period you should continue to stick to the instructions the doctor has given you. Proper care will help the hair grow faster and healthier. 

8 month to 1 year after the hair transplant

After 8 months or 1 year, you will have a better idea of what your hair will look like and the improvements that this procedure has provided. The hair will continue to grow normally and it will blend better with other hair. Also, you will notice huge improvements in the appearance of the donor site. 

These improvements result in a head of hair that is fuller and looks more natural. By the conclusion of the first year, you’ll be able to enjoy the entire benefits of your hair restoration journey. 

Immediate Post-Transplant Care

If you want the recovery period to go smoothly and the results to look amazing, it is important to pay the right attention to the first days after the hair transplant. Furthermore, we will explain what will happen during the first week after the surgery and what you can do in order to have a smooth healing process. 

Days 1 & 2: The initial recovery

During the first two days, you can feel some little pain, redness, and swelling around the recipient area. This is normal and will get better in a few days. It is advised that you take a week or two off work to allow your scalp to heal. Make getting enough sleep a priority in order to have a smoother recovery.

Days 3 & 4: Managing Pain & Discomfort

As time passes you will still feel pain and discomfort that can get worse. In order to manage this the doctor will recommend pain medication that will help you feel better. 

As you reach day four post-hair transplant, you will be able to wash your hair for the first time. This should be done at the clinic where you had the surgery. The doctor will advise you on the shampoos and creams that you will use in the future to clean your scalp and avoid any irritation. 

hair transplant in Albania, amazing hair growth results

Days 5 & 6: Scabbing & Crusting

One thing that you will notice 5 -6 days after hair transplant surgery is scabbing and crusting that will form in the newly transplanted hair. Although this can be annoying and seem scary, it is a normal part of the healing period. 

It is very important that you avoid scratching the scalp and avoid picking the scabbing and crusts since it can cause damage to the new hair grafts. In order to reduce itchiness, you should continue using the shampoos recommended by the doctor. 

Day 7: Less Scabbing, Mild Redness, and the Start of Shedding

After 1 week, you will notice that your scalp has a slightly pink color and the scabs and crusting will be gone. However, it is normal to notice some type of hair shedding in the area where hair has been transplanted. This is very normal and will encourage the growth of your new hair. 

Dos and Don’ts in the First Week


After hair transplant surgery your doctor will provide you with the right instructions on how to take care of the transplanted hair. It is very important to pay the right attention and follow them carefully step by step. This way you will avoid any issues and make sure the results turn out great. Some of the most important advice you should follow include:

  • In order for the swelling to go down faster you should try to sleep with your head elevated and use a travel pillow. 
  • If the doctor prescribes painkillers take them as advised. 
  • For the first three days, you should apply a sterile solution to the graft sites at least twice a day. 
  • Hydrate and moisturize your scalp daily as this will help promote better healing.
  • Use the recommended shampoos.
  • Gently wash your scalp after the transplant by patting water over it. 
  • Keep your head protected from the sun’s rays as it can prolong healing. During the first week, it is best to avoid the sun at all.
  • Keep a healthy diet. Eating healthy will promote faster healing and will help you feel stronger. Include plenty of fruits, vegetables, and foods high in protein. 
  • Don’t forget to always drink water. This will promote better and faster healing by also keeping you properly hydrated. 
  • After the hair transplant, it is important to take some days off work or any occupation. This is the perfect time to have enough sleep and rest. This will promote better healing and will make you feel better
  • It is important to understand that the results after hair transplants can take a while, so you should be very patient. Although results will be noticeable since the first month, you will have the final look after 1 year. 
hair transplant recovery tips


Just like there are some instructions to follow after a hair transplant, there are also some things you should avoid. Furthermore, we will mention some things you should avoid if you want the recovery to go smoothly. 

  • It is very important to avoid picking or scratching your slap, including the donor and the recipient area. Not only will this prolong the recovery process but it will also cause great damage to the hair grafts. 
  • During the first week, you should not brush or comb your hair. Avoid touching it at all and give time to the surgical sites to properly heal. Usually after 10 days, you may start combing out the hair again, but in gentle and slow motions. 
  • Avoid swimming pools 2 weeks or more after the hair transplant, as it can infect the scalp due to the high levels of chlorine. 
  • If you are an active person, you should avoid heavy exercise and outdoor activities, as these can increase blood flow to the scalp, raising the risk of swelling and bleeding. Consult your doctor to determine the best time for you to safely resume your daily activities.
  • After your hair transplant you should only use the products that your doctor has recommended you. Shampoos or conditioners that are composed of ingredients like fragrances and alcohol have the ability to irritate the grafts. 
  • Hair styling tools that use heat should be totally avoided for several weeks after the hair transplant surgery.
  • If you regularly dye your hair you should avoid it for at least a month after the hair transplant surgery. This is necessary since hair dyes contain chemicals that can irritate the scalp. 
  • Hats or any clothing piece that covers the treated area should be totally avoided since they can put pressure on the transplanted grafts. 
  • Smoking or products that contain nicotine should be totally avoided after any surgery and this is also true for hair transplants. These types of products have the ability to increase the risk of complications and prolong the healing process. 

How to Wash Your Hair After a Transplant

One of the most important factors regarding hair transplant recovery is finding the proper way to wash your hair. Furthermore, we will help you find the right technique and products. This will not only promote faster healing but also encourage hair growth. 

Why does proper hair washing matter?

If you are considering having a hair transplant done it is important to understand the immediate and short-term effects of this procedure. For example, after the transplant your whole scalp will be sensitive and you will feel pain when touching it. 

To avoid damaging the hair and the donor area you should refrain from any contact. The area should also be kept dry for at least the three first days. 

It is very important to learn the correct way to clean your hair. This will promote better growth and the results will turn out great. Besides this, you want to make sure that the treated area remains clean. This will reduce the risk of infection and scarring. 

Another important fact to consider is finding the right products to use. Normal shampoos will not do the work since most of them contain harsh chemicals. Since your scalp is wounded, harsh chemicals will irritate it causing pain and discomfort. 

When can you wash your hair after a hair transplant?

When it comes to washing your hair after a hair transplant, understanding when it’s the right time is crucial. 

At Medical Tourism in Albania, we suggest our clients return to the clinic to have their first wash after a hair transplant. Our professional doctors will gently clean the scalp while also removing any scabs and crusting. 

This process is often recommended 3-4 days after the surgery as it gives enough time for the hair follicles to stay in place. However different people heal differently, so ask your doctor when will be the right time to return to the clinic for the first hair wash. 

first hair wash after a hair transplant tips

Preparing for the first hair wash

In order to make the first hair wash after a hair transplant as simple and enjoyable as possible, there are several items that will come in handy. Some of these include:

One of the most important things is using a gentle shampoo, free of harsh chemicals. However, you don’t need to worry about finding the right shampoos, as your doctor will provide them for you after the surgery. Along with this, they will also advise you on the right way to clean your scalp and what to avoid.

Another important factor is the water pressure and temperature. You can either use a shower head with and lower the pressure or use cups filled with water to pour over your head. Also, keep in mind that the water should be at room temperature since hot water can damage the new follicles or cause irritation. 

How to wash your hair after a hair transplant

After your hair transplant, your doctor will explain to you what steps to follow and with the proper technique. Generally, the process will involve the following steps:

Step 1: Wet your hair gently with a cup of water or a low-pressure shower head. It is very important to find the right water temperature and pressure because if the pressure is high and the water is very hot you can damage the hair grafts and cause pain to the scalp. 

Step 2: To clean your hair you should only use the shampoo recommended by the doctor. These shampoos are specifically designed to calm the scalp and avoid infections or damage to the hair follicles. Add some shampoo to the palm of your head and gently rub it on the scalp. This step should only be done once.

Step 3: once you have applied shampoo all over your scalp you should let it sit there for about 5 minutes or longer. After this time passes you should rinse it gently with water. Once there is no shampoo left you should let the hair dry off naturally without using any heat or styling products. 

How often should you wash your hair after a hair transplant?

Washing your hair every day, preferably twice a day, is essential during the first two weeks following your hair transplant procedure. This will maintain the transplanted region as clean and healthy as possible while aiding in the cleanup of dried blood and scabs. 

Following these first two weeks, all of your scabs should have fallen off and your transplanted hair grafts should be much more firmly fixed in your scalp. At this time, you can resume washing your hair as usual using normal shampoo and conditioner.

However, we still recommend our patients to avoid using shampoos that contain harsh chemicals and ask their doctors about the best shampoo options. These specific shampoos will effectively clean the scalp without drying it or irritating it. 

Picture of Jessica


Meet Jessica, the compassionate website publisher with a passion for medical tourism, medical procedures, plastic surgery, and uncovering the wonders of Albania. Through her informative and eloquent writing, she guides and empowers readers to make informed decisions about healthcare and explore the beauty of this enchanting country. Let Jessica be your trusted source for all things related to health, travel, and self-discovery.

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