July 31, 2024

How Long Does A Lip Lift Last?

Similar to lip filler, the aim of a lip lift procedure is to enhance the appearance of your lips, however, the technique differs. As the name states the lip lift procedure will lift the lips and increase their prominence making them look fuller and bigger. After the procedure is done the results will last for a very long time and you will not need additional procedures like injections or anti-wrinkle treatments, which will wear out in just a few months. 

At Medical Tourism in Albania, many of our patients who have undergone this procedure have been pleased with their results. In this blog post, we will focus mainly on the duration of the procedure and what are the factors affecting it. Also, we would like to help you understand how your smile can be transformed by this simple procedure and what you can expect during the recovery period. 

Amazing before and after results of a lip lift in Albania

Enhancing Your Smile With Lip Lift Surgery

Firstly we would like to explain what lip lift surgery is and how it can enhance your smile. This cosmetic surgical procedure aims to lift the upper lip to give it a more youthful look and a more rejuvenated appearance. This way your lips will be rounder and fuller and you will reverse the effect that aging has on your mouth area. 

As we get older, the philtrum area located between the nose and the cupid bow tends to drop and lengthen in size making the upper lip look smaller. Due to this, your teeth will not be very visible when smiling or speaking normally. Some people might not feel very good about it and they are constantly looking for procedures that can fix this issue, and lip lift will be the right one. 

The lip lift procedure works great not only in making your lips look fuller but also in reversing the effect that aging has on this area. After the procedure is done and the lips have fully healed your face will look more symmetrical and the teeth will be more visible, leading to a bigger and brighter smile also. 

Cosmetic procedure for fuller lips

What Are The Reasons For A Lip Lift Procedure?

The lip lift procedure has increased in popularity these last few years for a number of reasons and some of them include:

  • The most common reason why people consider the lip lift procedure is Aging. As we get older our upper lip becomes looser and less defined giving our mouth a less youthful appearance. 
  • Some people who have undergone previous lip surgery may opt for an additional procedure to improve the look of it. 
  • Due to genetic factors, some people have a less defined cupid’s bow or they may be born with a longer upper lip. A lip lift procedure can easily fix this issue. 
  • If you have unbalanced facial features, a lip lift can help create a more harmonious and symmetrical appearance by balancing the top lip’s measurements in comparison with the rest of the face.
  • Some people just want to change the appearance of their lips for a long time so they choose a lip lift procedure over other aesthetic treatments. 
  • As time passes your upper lip will go through some changes that cannot be prevented. The lip lift procedure will help with that since it can lift and tighten the skin removing any wrinkles and restoring their fullness. 

Will A Lip Lift Affect How I Smile?

The main purpose of a lip lift procedure is to change the way your lips look making them seem fuller and more youthful without changing your smile. However, as time passes many of our patients that have undergone this treatment may possibly notice small changes in their smile. Also, you should be aware that after the procedure is done there may be additional volume loss. 

Although this issue can be fixed with other aesthetic treatments, they will not change the structure that will eventually alter as we age. Also, these types of treatments will not be long-lasting and need to be repeated once every two months. They will work better if you are in your mid-20s or 30s. 

On the other hand, the lip lift procedure aims to treat the anatomical structure of your lips. As we explained earlier, during this treatment the doctor will shorten the space between the nose and the upper lip, making the upper lip look fuller and making the teeth show more when speaking or smiling. With this process, the mouth area’s natural, youthful curves may be restored, giving the lips a more naturally full and youthful appearance.

What Are The Typical Results Of A Lip Lift?

The goal of a lip lift treatment is usually to improve the appearance of the top lip, giving it a more defined, youthful appearance. The treatment does this by making the cupid’s bow more defined and prominent, shortening the gap between the nose and the top lip, and giving the upper lip a more young and defined appearance in general. This can give the lips a more balanced and symmetrical appearance, which will make the face look more attractive and young. After the procedure is done you will notice:

  • If your cupid bow is not very visible, after the lip lift procedure it will definitely be. This is one of the main benefits of this technique and one of the reasons why people choose it. This is the part of the mouth that gives them a more protruding look.
  • Another reason why lip lift is so popular is because it shortens the distance between the nose and upper lip. This is especially useful because as we age the skin can stretch and drop, making the mouth look less defined and older. 
  • Lifts and tightens upper lip skin. A lip lift can help to lift and tighten this skin, creating a more defined and youthful upper lip, and also shorten the distance between the nose and the upper lip.

Before considering this procedure you should know that the results can take some time and they can change from person to person. These changes usually depend on several factors like the patient’s age, skin type, and overall health. Also, some other important factors like the skills and experience of the surgeon, can all affect the final outcome.

Recovery after lip lift surgery in Albania

What To Expect In Terms Of Pain And Recovery From A Lip Lift Procedure

One of the most important parts of a surgical procedure is the recovery period. During this time you should efficiently plan the post-operative care since it is essential for optimal results and a seamless recovery following lip lift surgery. If you smoke regularly you should try and quit at least four weeks before surgery in order to reduce risks. Also, you should avoid smoking even after the procedure is done for about four months in order to recover faster and healthier. This is due to the fact that smoking will reduce blood flow to the skin, which can slow down the healing process or raise the risk of problems. 

Also, your surgeons will advise you not to drink alcohol for at least 48 hours before surgery in order to lower the possibility of bleeding and bruises. Moreover, at least ten days before surgery, blood-thinning medications like aspirin and fish oil supplements should be stopped. 

It is important to know that during the procedure the surgeon will make small incisions that will be placed under the nose. They will heal beautifully and will be less visible as time passes. You can get back to your normal activities as fast as 24 hours but try to avoid heavy lifting or excessive exercise for at least two weeks. 

When it comes to eating, try cutting the food in small bits to avoid opening your mouth and avoid using straws when drinking. This way you will prevent opening the stitches and additional damage to the wounds. Also, in order to reduce swelling and for a faster recovery try sleeping on your back and keep the head elevated. When you brush your teeth after the procedure try using gentle methods and also a child toothbrush in order to avoid damage to the stitches.  

Patients may have swelling around their noses and lips that feel tight after surgery; these symptoms might last up to four weeks after the procedure. While most patients do not experience severe pain, over-the-counter pain relievers are frequently effective for relieving any discomfort.  

If you want to heal faster we recommend you use an antibiotic cream that will usually be recommended by the surgeon. Also, they will most likely advise you to use an oral antibiotic to prevent infection. After a week passes, the stitches need to be removed and any visible swelling or bruising will go down. However, it may take some time for you to get used to this new feeling but as soon as the bruising and swelling you will feel much pleased with your new look.

Natural lip lift procedure in Albania

Do Lip Lifts Look Natural?

If done by a professional surgeon and with the right technique, the lip lift will offer great results without making big changes to your face. The aim of the treatment is to provide natural results and just enhance the shape that the lips already have. Since it is considered a surgery, you will have scars, but dont worry as they will be totally invisible to the naked eye. Once they are healed they will blend seamlessly with the natural lines of the face. 

The main reason why people should choose a lip lift procedure over other lip enhancement procedures is the function and the appearance that they provide. By choosing this technique you will also avoid the overdone look which can be possible with other techniques. After the procedure is done and you have fully recovered you will be able to move your lips naturally and they will look the same as your natural ones just better. 

Following a lip lift, patients frequently notice that their lips appear healthier and defined without indicating that they have had surgery. Even if the results will be visible other people won’t be able to understand that you have had anything done. As a result, you may receive comments about how refreshed you look without them understanding that you have undergone a cosmetic procedure.

The Typical Duration Of Lip Lift Results

Results from lip lift surgery frequently last a lifetime. Even though the treatment offers a long-term solution, the look may change over time due to aging and lifestyle choices. Choosing a skilled surgeon is crucial for your lip lift procedure since their abilities will directly affect the results in the short and long term. 

Expert surgeons guarantee accurate incisions and customize the lip lift operation to your face shape, which enhances the benefits of the procedure. The new form and fullness usually last for a very long time. To maximize the procedure’s benefits you can try to:

  • If you notice any changes due to aging you can consult our surgeon if any additional procedure is required.
  • Try to visit your surgeon every regular checkup that they decide. 

Factors Influencing The Longevity Of Your Lip Lift

When it comes to the longevity of the lip lift procedure you should know that it is dependable on several factors. These factors usually include skin type, age, proper skin care, etc. For example, some skins have a better elasticity which will make the results last longer and other people might age quicker which will make the effects fade faster. 

After the treatment is done it is also important to maintain a proper care routine. Sun protection will also be important, especially during this period. This will help you keep the skin healthier, and moisturized and avoid premature aging. This way the results will last much longer and your lips will be in their best shape. 

It is also important to know that your general health should be optimal in order for the treatment to last longer and for the results to be better. For a quicker recovery, you will need to have a strong immune system. This also means that there will be fewer complications and risks of infections in the treated area. You need to be careful of allergic reactions since they will most likely shorten the lifespan of the lift. 

Choosing one of our experienced facial plastic surgeons here at Medical Tourism in Albania will decrease the risk of any possible allergic reaction and any additional complications that come with this procedure. It is important to know what factors can impact the longevity of the treatments in order so you can maintain the results as long as possible. 

How To Make The Lip Lift Results Last Longer 

If you want the results to last as long as possible it is important to make smart lifestyle choices and take good care of your mouth area during the recovery period. In order to avoid any further damage you should consider the following:

  • After the procedure is done you should have some rest until the tissues rest and until the swelling goes down. This means you should avoid strenuous exercise for at least some time until the surgeon says so. 
  • The surgeon will give you the proper recommendations on how to take care of your lips after the procedure is done and you should carefully follow them. 
  • If they give you painkiller medication to reduce the pain and discomfort you should take them at the right time and for as long as it is recommended. 
  • It is very important to protect your scars and lips from the sun in order to avoid discoloration. 
  • Try to maintain a healthy diet and drink a lot of water to keep your skin hydrated.
Picture of Jessica


Meet Jessica, the compassionate website publisher with a passion for medical tourism, medical procedures, plastic surgery, and uncovering the wonders of Albania. Through her informative and eloquent writing, she guides and empowers readers to make informed decisions about healthcare and explore the beauty of this enchanting country. Let Jessica be your trusted source for all things related to health, travel, and self-discovery.

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