September 20, 2024

What Is A Mons Lift? Understanding The Procedure For A Firmer, Flatter Mons Pubis

The mass of tissue in front of your pubic bones that is often covered with pubic hair is called your mons pubis. Many women are not pleased with the look of it so they are constantly looking for ways to reduce its appearance. The best way to do so is with a mons lift.

The most lift procedure also known as monsplasty is a surgical procedure that will eliminate the extra skin around the area and give you a more even body figure. With the help of this cosmetic procedure, you can either lift, tighten, or reshape the mons pubis while also improving function and comfort.

monsplasty in Albania, affordable mons lift surgery

What Is A Mons Lift?

Mons lift is a cosmetic surgery that is done to reduce the appearance of the mons pubis. This procedure will give the underbelly area a completely new look by removing the excess skin and fatty tissue that is accumulated there due to the result of weight gain. 

This procedure includes cutting and incision in order to remove the tissue and sometimes it can also be combined with liposuction. This procedure together will provide great results for every woman who is looking to get their body back in shape. 

Who Is A Good Candidate For A Mons Lift?

Mons lift is a part of the body that is located over the genital area where hair grows. Although it is more prominent in women, men have it too. 

If you gain weight your whole body will be affected including your mons pubis. You will notice that it will grow bigger and stick out making it more noticeable. As it accumulates and you continue to gain more weight the skin will stretch out.

If later on you decide to lose weight, the mons pubis will go down but the skin will remain sagged. This issue is more prone to happen to older women since younger ones have a higher level of collagen in their bodies, meaning their skin is more elastic and has the ability to bounce back. Some additional reasons that will make you consider a mons lift include:

  • In cases when a woman gives birth through a C-section, the skin behind the scar relaxes, but the skin around the scar could stay firm against your tissues. It may therefore develop an enlargement of the area.
  • Sometimes your hormones can be the cause of mons pubis enlargement since estrogen can accumulate more fat.
  • Sometimes the cause of mons pubis enlargement can be due to genetic factors. 

The purpose of mons lift is not only aesthetic or to give you a better body shape. This procedure has additional benefits some of which include:

  • Sometimes an enlarged mons pubis can cause difficulties while urinating.
  • Sexual intercourse can be more painful and difficult 
  • It will make it harder for some people to properly clean themselves. 

Mons list surgery in Albania

The Mons Lift Procedure

The mons lift procedure (also known as monsplasty) is a cosmetic surgery that aims to remove excessive skin from the area located on top of the pubic bone which is known as the mons pubis. This treatment will aim to give you a better body figure that will increase your self-esteem.

Additionally wearing certain clothes will be much easier and you will feel more comfortable in your own skin. According to your personalized needs, the mons lift can be used in different surgical techniques. 

If you are concerned about excess skin, your doctor can remove it. If you are worried about tissue removal, they may combine it with liposuction for better results. However, these procedures serve different purposes, and based on your needs, they can be performed either together or separately.

If you are young and have just been overweight for a short period of time, your skin should be elastic enough to regain its original shape. After your mons pubis liposuction, you can notice that there is extra drooping skin left behind if you are having a lot of weight removed or if you are older and have less elastic skin.

Additionally, the mons lift procedure can also be combined with Tummy tuck also known as abdominoplasty.  Since a tummy tuck has the ability to tighten the skin around the abdomen, any excess fat located in the mons pubis will be eliminated. 

Why Should People Consider A Mons Lift?

Many people choose the mons lift procedure to improve the overall look of their mons area since it provides amazing results and makes your body look much better. However, this surgery is not only used for aesthetic purposes as it can also offer great functional benefits.

As we mentioned before, sometimes the mons pubis will cause problems with urination, make sexual intercourse more difficult, and even cause pain. This happens because this excess skin will cover the front of the urethra and valvula.

Additionally, personal hygiene will be more difficult for people with enlarged mons pubis. If the genital area is not properly cleaned this can lead to several other health issues. 

If you have undergone a pregnancy, drastic weight changes, hormonal disbalances, or additional surgeries in the abdomen, it is very common to experience an enlargement of the mons pubis area. If you are looking for a way to get rid of this extra tissue, then Mons Lift will be the right way to go.

After this cosmetic surgery, you will be able to wear the clothes you like, take part in the activities that you enjoy, and be more confident about your body. 

Affordable monsplasty in Albania

Benefits Of A Mons Lift

Most lift procedures offer a lot of benefits for women who are experiencing excessive tissue in their mons pubic area. Once you decide to have this surgery you will notice:

After the mons lift you will have a wider choice of clothes to wear without worrying about how your mons pubic area will look. Many patients who have undergone this surgery claim that they feel more satisfied with the way their body looks. 

Since having a large mons pubis can cause discomfort during sexual intercourse, having it removed will increase sexual pleasure. Also, the patient will feel much more satisfied and confident with the way their body looks. 

If you have an enlarged mons pubis, physical exercise will be more difficult. After the mons lift procedure you will feel lighter and physical activities and exercise will be much easier. This procedure will also reduce friction of the skin in the mons pubis area. 

After the mons lift procedure, urinating will be more comfortable since you won’t have your skin hanging around every time you sit. Additionally cleaning and maintaining your genital area will be much easier after surgery. This is due to the fact that the mons pubis area will be more contoured and smoother. 

Additionally, mons lift surgery is not a risky procedure and has high success rates. The side effects of this procedure are also minimal so you don’t have to worry about anything. Additionally, recovery won’t be long and there will be no scars left behind. You will be able to get back to your normal routine in no time. 

Last but not least, the results of a mons pubis lift will last your whole life. This means you don’t need to repeat the procedure again and after full recovery, you will enjoy its benefits for many years to come. 

What Are The Side Effects And Risks Of A Mons Lift?

Just like with any surgical procedure, mons lift includes potential risks and side effects. Some of the common side effects include bruising, temporary numbness of the area, swelling, or inflammation. The risk is especially higher if the procedure is combined with liposuction. 

However, as we said before these risks can happen with every kind of surgery. The best way to reduce the possibility of these happening is to choose the right clinic and doctor to perform your surgery. At Medical Tourism in Tirana, our patient’s safety is our main priority and the risk of this happening is very low. 

How Long Does It Take To Recover From A Mons Lift?

The results after a mons lift procedure will take about 6 months to fully show. Since it is a cosmetic surgery, it is normal to experience some type of swelling and bruising, where the cuts were made. 

The symptoms can last for about three weeks but you will be able to move and walk around in slow motions within two or three days. In order to fully recover you should take a week or two off work especially if your work requires lifting or strenuous exercise.

Additionally, you should refrain from physical activity until you feel ready or your doctor recommends. Usually, you will need to avoid it for about four to six weeks, just to be sure. If the procedure is combined with tummy tuck or liposuction this can even take longer. 

Mons lift surgery in Albania, affordable plastic surgery

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is The Mons Pubis?

The mons pubis is the area that covers the pubic bone. Although this is present in both genders, it is more prominent in females. This area is composed of fat tissues that can enlarge due to different reasons including, genetic factors, pregnancy, and hormonal issues. 

The mons pubis extends from just above the clitoris to the top of the natural pubic hairline, in the shape of an inverted triangle. The mons pubis is normally covered in pubic hair. The glands that release pheromones, which are in charge of sexual attraction, are located inside this area, and during sexual intercourse it will serve as a protective “cushion”.

Why Do I Have An Oversized Mons Pubis?

The enlargement of the mons pubis area can be caused by a number of reasons. Some of the main causes include: gaining weight and losing it, hereditary reasons, and giving birth through a C-section. 

If you gain weight the skin around your mons pubic area will enlarge and the more you gain the more it will expand. If you decide to lose weight, the skin will most likely not go back to its place especially if you are in your 40s or older. This will cause sagging and can only be addressed with surgical procedures, like mons lift. 

Another common reason for the enlargement of the mons pubis is C-section. If you have recently given birth, the skin that surrounds the scar will tighten around the scar but the mons pubis won’t. This will leave it hanging and won’t look good. 

Estrogen can also be a reason for the enlargement of the mons pubis and this is the main reason why it is more common in females than males. 

What Other Treatments Can I Combine With Mons Lift?

Mons lift can either be performed alone or in combination with other surgical procedures at the same time. Usually, it can be combined with liposuction, abdominoplasty, and mommy makeover. 

A mummy makeover is customized to each patient’s needs and usually includes procedures to improve the vagina, hips, thighs, abdomen, and breasts. Additionally, you may combine mons surgery with other gynecological operations like vaginal rejuvenation, labiaplasty, or vaginoplasty.

Should I Combine A Mons Lift With A Tummy Tuck Procedure?

Usually, it is very common for the mons lift procedure to be combined with a tummy tuck also known as abdominoplasty. These cosmetic surgeries work great when combined with each other to address large amounts of excess skin and the fat left behind. 

After you fully recover the results will be amazing and you will be left with a tighter and flatter-looking stomach. You will feel more confident with your body and will be able to wear every piece of clothing you like. 

 During the initial consultation at Medical Tourism in Albania, your doctor will decide whether the procedures need to be combined together or whether a mons lift will be enough. 

Is There Any Scarring Following Mons Reduction?

The scars from mons pubis liposuction are not very noticeable. A little incision made across the bikini line will be the result of skin excision, and only a tiny scar will be left. 

Nevertheless, you will be able to close the scar with your underwear since it is very small. In cases where significant amounts of extra skin need to be removed, a vertical incision could be recommended.

How Soon After Mons Surgery Can I Resume Sexual Activity?

Penetrative sexual activity should be avoided for one month following mons reduction surgery. This is due to the fact that the mons pubis serves as a “cushion” during sexual activity, and any friction may cause localized pain, bruising, and swelling. If you notice that having sex hurts or bothers your mons pubis, give it a break and try again later.

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Meet Jessica, the compassionate website publisher with a passion for medical tourism, medical procedures, plastic surgery, and uncovering the wonders of Albania. Through her informative and eloquent writing, she guides and empowers readers to make informed decisions about healthcare and explore the beauty of this enchanting country. Let Jessica be your trusted source for all things related to health, travel, and self-discovery.

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