December 27, 2024

The Different Types Of Dental Veneers: Porcelain Vs. Composite Resin

Dental veneers are one of the most popular dental procedures performed nowadays. This procedure falls into the category of cosmetic dentistry. Its main purpose is to address the appearance of the teeth.

The results of dental veneers will be brighter, straighter, and have a more symmetrical smile. These white, teeth-like thin shells will be designed to suit your mouth and cover its front surface. Once the treatment is done you will no longer have discoloration, gaps, and chips on your teeth.

Dental veneers can be composed of different materials and two main ones are porcelain and composite resin. Each one of them has its own advantages but they have their differences. Being aware of these differences will help you make a better decision on which material will be right for you if you are considering getting dental veneers.

In this blog post we will mention the differences between these two materials, focusing mainly on their benefits, disadvantages and when they are recommended. This will help you make the best choice for the perfect veneer type for your smile. 

Composite Resin Veneers and Porcelain Veneers in Albania

What Are Dental Veneers?

Dental veneers are thin custom shells that will cover the front area of your teeth. These small coverings will be composed of high-quality dental materials including porcelain and composite resin.

This procedure is considered cosmetic as it works great in eliminating signs of discoloration, chips, and slight misalignments. Continue reading if you want to find the right material for your dental veneers. 

What Are The Different Types Of Veneers?

Dental veneers can be composed of different materials including porcelain and composite resin. This dental restoration procedure includes intensive preparation. Even though no-prep veneers are a possibility they are not as recommended. 

The process of applying dental veneers starts with grinding down the tooth structure which includes shaving down the front of the tooth including the enamel and sometimes even past it. This will make the thin shells of Veneers stick better and stay put but also make the procedure irreversible.

Although the procedure is not painful and can be completed relatively quickly, it’s important to keep in mind that once the tooth structure is removed, it cannot be restored. Veneers or other restorative treatments will be necessary.

The amount of tooth structure that needs to be removed depends on the number of teeth and dental concerns. If your surgeon recommends no-prep veneers then you will need some tooth alterations but they will be minimal

Porcelain Veneers

What Are Porcelain Veneers?

First, we will start with porcelain veneers. These ultra-thin custom-made coverings will be put on the front surface of the teeth. They are strong, last for a very long time, and will be able to fix a number of dental issues.

If you have discolored teeth, chips, small misalignments, and uneven teeth then you should consider porcelain veneers. Each one of them will be custom-designed to fit your teeth perfectly. 

One of the things that make porcelain veneers so popular is their ability to perfectly mimic the look and texture of the teeth. They are the perfect choice for those who want natural-looking teeth without having to go through with dental crowns or implants that are more invasive. 

The dental veneer procedure typically requires two or more visits. During these appointments, the dentist will ensure that the veneers fit the patient’s teeth perfectly, and the results will be customized to meet their expectations.

Benefits Of Porcelain Veneers

Durability And Stain Resistance

One of the main advantages of porcelain veneers is their resistance to stains and their strength. Our teeth do not have the same resistance to foods that contain pigment, compared to veneers.

They are far less likely to become discolored by coffee, tea, red wine, or other staining chemicals because of this special characteristic. Because of this, even after being exposed to these staining agents on a frequent basis, porcelain veneers keep looking shiny and white for many years. 

Additionally, porcelain veneers are made of a very resilient material that is resistant to the normal chewing and biting pressure. Porcelain veneers are a safe and long-term investment because, with the right care and upkeep, they might last for ten to fifteen years or more.

Composite Resin Veneers and Porcelain Veneers results

Natural Aesthetic Appeal

Once the procedure of placing the porcelain veneers is done, you will notice that your new teeth will look very natural. This is one of the main reasons why people prefer this material used in their veneers. 

You will notice that porcelain will reflect the light in a way that perfectly mimics the tooth enamel which will fit amazingly with the rest of the teeth that will remain natural.

The porcelain veneers will be carefully designed. We will focus mainly on finding a perfect match, color, shape, and size that will fit perfectly with the surrounding teeth. This will result in a flawless and harmonious smile.

We recommend natural-looking results that seamlessly blend with your features, which can be achieved with porcelain veneers. After the procedure, you will have the smile of your dreams—one that perfectly complements your face while still looking natural.

Addressing Multiple Dental Issues

Dental veneers will not only be beneficial in addressing aesthetic concerns but they will also be recommended in treating other dental imperfections.

If you have discolored teeth or stubborn stains and you have tried professional teeth whitening but it has not been effective, porcelain veneers will be the right treatment. Also, veneers will cover small gaps or slight misalignments of the teeth. 

If you have uneven teeth or slightly worn teeth and you don’t want to go through with dental crowns, porcelain veneers will work amazingly. After the treatment, your teeth will look symmetrical and uniform. 

Although orthodontic treatments are the best treatment for reducing gaps and properly aligning the teeth, they require months and sometimes years to achieve results. Veneers will offer immediate results, making them a much-preferred option for those who do not have the time to wait for the results. 

However, keep in mind that this suitability will depend on several factors such as the severity of the case and the patient’s needs and desires. 

A Long-Term Investment In Confidence

Since porcelain veneers last for a long time, are highly durable and offer amazing results, their cost is significantly higher than other cosmetic procedures. However, these many benefits will make it worth it in the long run.

This goes beyond aesthetic benefits. Having the perfect smile with your veneers will improve your self-confidence and your whole life. You will be able to speak and smile without worrying if people are looking at your teeth. 

These are enough reasons that make the porcelain veneers worth it and since they last for a long time they justify their cost. 

This being said porcelain veneers are one of the best treatments you can choose if you want to improve the look of your teeth and smile. Once the procedure is done you will have a natural smile that endures the normal pressure that our natural teeth go through.

Additionally, since they address a number of issues and last for a long time they remain the most preferred choice in offering beautiful and confident smiles. 

Composite Resin Veneers and Porcelain Veneers in Albania at affordable prices

Composite Resin Veneers

What Are Composite Resin Veneers?

One other material used to compose dental veneers is composite resin. These types of veneers will function the same as porcelain ones. They work amazing in covering discolorations, and chips or addressing minor misalignments. 

However, different from porcelain veneers, composite veneers will be directly applied to the teeth by applying a tooth-colored resin material over the teeth. This process is also known as bonding. 

The process is not considered as expensive as porcelain veneers, is relatively quicker, and is accessible to many patients. Furthermore, we will mention some of the benefits of composite veneers and what makes them different. 

Features Of Composite Resin Veneers

Composite resin veneers are composed of a blend of resin and glass particles. The material will be applied to the surface of the teeth and will then be designed by the dentist according to the desired shape. Once you reach the desired shape a specialized curing light will be used to harden the material. 

It is important to choose a specialized surgeon for this procedure, as the application process must align perfectly with the surrounding teeth to ensure a natural, symmetrical look. One of the benefits of this procedure is that it significantly reduces treatment time by eliminating the need to send impressions to the dental lab and wait for them to be returned.

Additionally, composite veneers are less invasive and will keep more of the natural tooth structure, making them a preferred choice for many people. 

Advantages Of Composite Resin Veneers

When compared to porcelain veneers, composite resin ones are more affordable. This makes them suitable for more patients and for those who are looking to improve their teeth without spending a lot.

Additionally, since the procedure will be completed in one single visit, the results will be much faster. This will be very beneficial since many people do not like to go back and forth to the dentist and don’t even have the time to do so. 

Another huge benefit of composite resin veneers is that they address a number of dental imperfections, some of which include: small cracks, discoloration, minor misalignment, and chips.

The dentist will be able to shape the teeth according to the patient’s needs and make the proper adjustments. You will also have a say in this process since you will be awake during the treatment. 

Another advantage of composite veneers is that in some cases they will also be reversible since the natural tooth structure will not be as impacted as with porcelain veneers. Consider this type of dental veneer if you want to explore other treatments in the future and keep as much as possible of your natural tooth structure. 

Disadvantages Of Composite Resin Veneers

While as we mentioned before composite resin veneers offer many benefits for your teeth and are one of the most recommended choices for improving the look of your teeth they come with their own set of disadvantages.

The first one we will mention will be their durability. Although they are strong they are not as strong as porcelain veneers and as time passes the risk of chipping, cracking or staining is higher. 

Although you might take good care of them their normal lifespan will be about 5-7 years. After tha,t the procedure will need to be repeated or you will need to consider another treatment. 

Finally, composite veneers are less resistant to deterioration and require additional care. In order to prevent the veneers from chipping or breaking, patients must be very careful not to grind their teeth or bite down on hard items.

This being said, composite veneers are a great way of improving the appearance of your teeth. They offer faster results, significant improvements, and are more cost-effective. 

However, keep in mind that there are several limitations in terms of durability and aesthetics. This can make people consider other treatments that are more natural looking and last longer such as porcelain veneers. 

Porcelain And Composite Resin Veneers differences

Main Differences Between Porcelain And Composite Resin Veneers


When it comes to appearance, porcelain veneers will be the best voice. Not only do they look natural but they also mimic the light reflecting and translucent of the natural tooth enamel. Although composite resin dental veneers look great they lack this ability and they do not look as natural. 

Durability And Longevity

With proper care both, composite resin and porcelain veneers will last a long time. However, porcelain veneers are more durable to chipping and discoloration and their life span is about 10-15 years. Composite resin material on the other hand will normally last about 5-7 years and issues are more common. 


Cost is another factor that will impact the choice between porcelain and composite resin dental veneers. Due to their many benefits and the invasive nature of this procedure, porcelain veneers will be more expensive than composite resin veneers. However, in the long run, they will justify their cost and be totally worth it. 

Procedure Time

When it comes to the procedure time, porcelain veneers will require two to three visits, this is due to the fact that they will be custom-designed in a lab. On the other hand composite resin veneers will be applied directly to the tooth after the enamel is removed. The results will be immediate and completed in one single dental appointment.

Picture of Jessica


Meet Jessica, the compassionate website publisher with a passion for medical tourism, medical procedures, plastic surgery, and uncovering the wonders of Albania. Through her informative and eloquent writing, she guides and empowers readers to make informed decisions about healthcare and explore the beauty of this enchanting country. Let Jessica be your trusted source for all things related to health, travel, and self-discovery.

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