July 31, 2024

How Can You Tell The Difference Between Fake Breasts And Real Ones?

One of the most popular cosmetic procedures nowadays is breast enlargement or breast augmentation. Many women nowadays are choosing to have this surgery for several reasons and some of the most common are: improving their appearance, making them look more symmetrical, and as a reconstruction procedure after breast cancer. Whatever the reason is, our experienced surgeons here at Medical Tourism in Albania will be happy to help you have your dream body. 

This blog post will mostly address the differences between real and implant breasts. Our goal is to assist you realize how you can still look natural with implants, not to judge which is better. It is also important to understand which factors influence a breast enlargement procedure and what can be done to achieve the best outcomes.  

Here we will talk about what a breast augmentation procedure involves, what can be done in order to have the most natural outcomes and what kinds of distinctions are there between real and fake breasts. For everyone who is considering a breast augmentation procedure, we invite you to schedule an appointment here at Medical Tourism in Albania. Our professional and specialized doctors will provide you with any needed information, so you can make the right choice for your body. 

Results of breast augmentation in Albania

The Results Of A Breast Augmentation Procedure

A breast augmentation is a surgical procedure used to increase a woman’s breasts’ general fullness, size, or contour. Although breast implants are normally used for this treatment, fat transfer is also gaining popularity as an alternative. Women choose breast augmentation for a variety of reasons, from the desire to look better to more practical ones like rebuilding their breasts after a mastectomy or fixing birth defects.

Usually breast implants come in two forms which are saline or silicone. While saline implants are filled with sterile salt water, silicone ones are filled with silicone gel. When it comes to a natural feel and look silicone will be the right choice, but when it comes to safety reasons, the correct choice would be saline. This is because if the saline implant ruptures it won’t harm the body and it will be absorbed easily. 

A breast fat transfer is an alternative method to breast implants that can help you get fuller, more perkier breasts. This kind of surgery entails taking fat from different parts of the body and putting it into the breast. Because this method uses your own body fat instead of any kind of implant material, the results will be more natural. 

Although the process of breast augmentation sounds simple, it is crucial to understand that it is still a surgical operation with potential risks of infection, scarring, and altered sensation, particularly in the nipple area. Additionally, the healing process may take some time, so you should get enough rest and schedule regular check-ups with your surgeon to see how things are going.  

If you choose the right surgeon to perform your surgery you will significantly reduce the risks that come with breast augmentation. Our professional staff here at Medical Tourism in Albania will make sure to provide the best results and to make sure you remain safe during and after the procedure is done. 

Natural breast implant surgery in Albania

How Do Natural Breasts Look And Feel

When it comes to comparing natural and artificially enhanced breasts it is important to know that not one is better than the other. However, the choice will depend on the patient’s preferences and wishes. Furthermore, we will explain how natural breasts feel and what enhancement procedures should aim to achieve:

The Uniqueness Of Asymmetry

The asymmetry of natural breasts is what differentiates them the most from the breasts that we see from enhancement procedures. When it comes to size and shape, natural ones offer a more authentic look that fits better to the body. 

Diversity In Nipples And Areolas 

The appearance of nipples and areolas will be another great factor that differentiates natural-looking breasts from enhanced ones. They will vary in size, shape and shade, from person to person. The uniqueness of each individual breast comes from different factors including hormonal and genetic ones. 

Authentic Movement

You may notice that natural breasts have the ability to move freely when you run or even when lying down, something that fake breasts can’t. When you walk, run, or do anything else that involves movement, your natural breasts work in perfect harmony with your body, adding to its attractiveness.

The Softness Of The Touch 

Natural breasts feel mostly soft to the touch because of the combination of tissues and fats that make up their composition. This softness contrasts with the harder sensation of enhanced breasts and varies among individuals depending on hormones, age, body fat, and genetic predispositions.

Aging Gracefully 

Aging is an unavoidable process for natural breasts, just like it is for all other parts of the human body. Over time, this may show up as elasticity and volume changes that make the skin seem more sagging. These alterations are a normal aspect of growing older and add to the real-life appearance of breasts.

Results of breast implant surgery in Albania

Aesthetic Differences Between “Fake” And “Natural” Boobs

As time has passed, the breast augmentation procedure has seen a lot of advancement meaning that now the results that it provides are much better and similar to natural breasts. Due to this, the differences between natural and enhanced breasts have become more difficult to notice. At Medical Tourism in Albania, our surgeons do their best to mimic the natural look and feel of natural breasts. However, despite our best efforts and these advancements, there are certain indicators that show that the breasts are enhanced or not. 

For those thinking about getting their breasts augmented, it is essential to understand these minor differences. Setting reasonable expectations for the results of such operations offers a well-rounded perspective. Also, this information will help you understand what you can achieve through these procedures and how they can help you achieve your dream body. 

Just like with any other surgery, consulting with a certified surgeon will be crucial. They will help you understand what goes through the procedure, recommend several options, and find one that suits you better. They will help you make the right choice on the size shape and material that should be used to make your breast look as natural as possible. If you are interested in this procedure, our professional staff here at Medical Tourism in Albania will be pleased to help you. 

Shape And Position

One of the main differences that people notice between fake and natural breasts is their shape and position. When it comes to enhanced breasts, they will sit high up in the chest and have more volume in the upper part while natural breasts have a teardrop shape and the roundness is more prominent in the bottom half. 


As we mentioned before, natural boobs tend to be asymmetrical and it is very rare to find someone whose breasts are perfectly aligned with each other. What causes this is the variations in size, shape, and location of the nipples. This is considered normal and it will be even more visible after pregnancy and breastfeeding. On the other hand, when it comes to enhanced breasts, the surgeons will tend to make them identical and more symmetrical, which is not a real characteristic of natural breasts. 

Cleavage Spacing

Natural breasts and enhanced ones may also be different from each other when it comes to cleavage spacing. If you have natural breasts the cleavage will be less defined and softer while augmentent breasts will make it look more defined due to the implants and the added pressure on the skin. 

Breast Motion

When you move your natural breasts tend to move along with your body, while enhanced breasts dont. They will still move but it is not the same. The material used during surgery is what makes the difference in this case. 

Detectable Edges

Implants have visible edges that are occasionally felt through the skin, which sets them apart from the smooth contours of natural breasts. Depending on the kind of implant and the augmentation technique, these edges can sometimes be more noticeable.

When it comes to breast augmentation results it is important to know that everyone heals differently and they are not the same for everyone. However, some of them can be avoided by choosing the right surgeon and the right technique. Our professional staff here at Medical Tourism in Albania will provide the best outcomes for each client and try to make your breasts look and feel as natural as possible.

Affordable breast implants surgery in Albania

Can I Get Natural-Looking Boobs From Cosmetic Breast Surgery?

It is important to know that there are several procedures that will help you achieve a more natural look on your breasts. Whether you are looking to reshape, remodel, or make them bigger or smaller, we offer a range of procedures that our professionals here at Medical Tourism in Albania will be ready to perform for you. 

Breast Augmentation: Enhancing Your Shape

One common surgery for those who want to increase the size of their breast is breast augmentation. Through this process, silicone or saline implants can be placed inside the breasts. By choosing the implants’ size, form, and texture as well as whether to place them above or below the chest muscle, you may make your operation special to you. Usually, a few weeks are needed for healing following this procedure. To achieve your goals, it’s important that you choose the greatest surgeon, understand your surgery options, and follow the aftercare and recovery recommendations that your surgeon will provide. 

Fat Transfer To The Breast: A Natural Alternative

The ideal answer for individuals looking for a more natural substitute for implants might be fat transfer to the breast. In this type of procedure, fat from other parts of the body is extracted by liposuction and then injected into the breasts. Because your own body fat is being used, the outcomes frequently feel and seem more natural. While significant size increases may not be possible, this option includes body reshaping by liposuction. The choice between breast implants and fat transfer should be addressed with your plastic surgeon as they will tell you the benefits and side effects of both treatments. 

Breast Lift: Reshaping And Elevating

If you want to lift and reshape your breasts without changing the size of your breasts, the breast lift treatment will be the right choice for you. Usually, this treatment will be more suitable for women who have experienced significant weight loss, pregnancy, and aging. This treatment may also be combined with other treatments like breast augmentation or reduction for more desirable outcomes. 

Breast Reduction: Reducing For Comfort And Aesthetics

Breast enhancement procedures also include breast reduction treatments. After this procedure is done the patient will feel relieved from the physical discomfort that overly large breasts cause. Also, the patient will look and feel thinner since big breasts will give you a bigger appearance. 

Frequently Asked Questions About Breast Augmentation Surgery

What Kind Of Procedures Can Make My Breasts Look Bigger?

If you want to make your breasts bigger there are usually two procedures that will work great. One is adding silicone or saline implants and the other one is utilizing your own fat. The choice between these two treatments or the materials should be decided with the help of a specialized surgeon. They will address any concerns and advise you what the best course of action will be. 

Can I Increase My Breast Size Using Fat From My Own Body?

Yes, a surgical procedure called fat transfer to the breasts uses your own fat to improve the size and form of your breasts. In this operation, fat from one part of your body is removed by liposuction, processed, and then injected into the breasts. Because this technique employs your own bodily tissue, it provides a natural look and feel. For individuals seeking a more natural alternative to implants and a little increase in breast size, fat transfer is a fantastic option.

Will My Breasts Look And Feel Natural After The Procedure?

The results of your breast enhancement procedure whether it is a breast lift, reduction, augmentation or fat transfer will depend on several factors. The most important one is the expertise of the surgeon. At Medical Tourism in Albania, our staff of professional surgeons will work closely with their patients to provide the most natural-looking results and try to reach their goals.

Picture of Jessica


Meet Jessica, the compassionate website publisher with a passion for medical tourism, medical procedures, plastic surgery, and uncovering the wonders of Albania. Through her informative and eloquent writing, she guides and empowers readers to make informed decisions about healthcare and explore the beauty of this enchanting country. Let Jessica be your trusted source for all things related to health, travel, and self-discovery.

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