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September 25, 2023

What Happens During Rhinoplasty Recovery?

Rhinoplasty, sometimes referred to as a nose job, is a surgical procedure used to reshape or enhance the nose’s look and functioning. Although the surgical procedure is crucial, what occurs thereafter throughout the healing period is also important. The numerous facets of rhinoplasty recovery will be covered in this blog, along with what patients can anticipate in the days, weeks, and even months after the procedure. We’ll offer helpful tips to assist people in efficiently preparing for and navigating their rhinoplasty recovery journey, from controlling postoperative discomfort and swelling to adhering to special care recommendations.

Image illustrating post-operative care after a rhinoplasty

Immediate Post-Operative Care

A crucial phase of the healing process is the immediate postoperative period after rhinoplasty, necessitating careful attention and adherence to medical advice. Patients are often sent to a recovery room after surgery, where their vital signs are attentively watched as they come out of anesthesia. To guarantee a secure and comfortable recovery following surgery, this monitoring often lasts for a few hours.

Nasal packing and splints are frequently used in the nose during this stage to reduce bleeding and maintain the newly formed nasal tissues. These transient internal supports will be eliminated during a subsequent visit. To safeguard and preserve the form of the nose, external bandages or casts may also be used; removal is usually planned for a week or two later.

Pain Management

How Much Pain Should I Expect? 

Although the degree of pain differs, the majority of people claim that it is mild to moderate.

How Long After Surgery Will My Nose Hurt? 

Managing pain after rhinoplasty is a crucial aspect of the recovery process. Typically, the intensity of pain will subside within 36 to 72 hours, but it may persist longer if the nose is manipulated or bumped. Even after the initial phase, the nose can remain tender or sensitive to touch for up to three months. There are several effective ways to alleviate post-operative pain:

Cold compresses or ice packs applied to the cheeks can help reduce swelling and provide relief from discomfort. Your doctor can provide instructions on proper head positioning and nasal hygiene practices to support the healing process. Resuming regular medications once you can tolerate liquids is important to maintain your overall health. If you were prescribed pain medication, take it as needed for severe pain. Avoiding Ibuprofen is typically advised unless there are no other suitable alternatives for pain relief. Aspirin should be strictly avoided. If antibiotics were prescribed, complete the entire course as directed to prevent infection. 

Image illustrating recovery after a nose surgery

Swelling and Bruising

Swelling and bruising are very common after rhinoplasty. Here is some information about swelling and bruising and how to manage them. 


You may probably endure some bruising after rhinoplasty, and this is typical. The severity of these side effects varies from patient to patient and might last for many weeks. Your nose and eyes will be swollen just after the procedure, making them appear larger. You shouldn’t worry since within the first several weeks, this will go away on its own. By keeping your head elevated, avoiding activities that raise your blood pressure, and putting an ice pack on the region, swelling can be minimized.


Another of the most typical adverse effects of rhinoplasty is bruising, which develops around the eyes, cheeks, and nose. The severity of the bruise also varies from person to person. Compared to swelling, bruising will go away more quickly, lasting around 10 days. By using cold packs on your face and avoiding any exercise that can harm the facial area, you can raise the amount of it. 

The degree of swelling and bruising varies from person to person, as we previously said. For the first two weeks following surgery, these symptoms will start to get better. The complete effects of rhinoplasty won’t become apparent for several months, so bear that in mind. To encourage quicker recovery and lower the danger, you should follow precise instructions provided by your surgeon.

Image illustrating rhinoplasty recovery

Diet and Hydration

First 24 Hours Post Nose Surgery

To avoid any possible side effects of anesthesia, you should be careful with what you eat for the first 24 hours post-surgery. To help reduce inflammation, eating protein and carbohydrates will help. Avoid alcohol, caffeine, and tobacco. The key to fast recovery is hydration so drink as much water as possible. After the anesthesia wears out, you can include several other foods in your diet. 

First Week Post Rhinoplasty – What To Eat?

For the first week after surgery, we recommend you consume foods that are easier to eat and chew. You can eat mashed potatoes, oatmeal, and yogurt. As we mentioned before, staying hydrated is key, so don’t forget to drink your water. Fruit juices could also be a perfect addition to your diet, as they are healthy and will help with the recovery process. 

Second Week Post Rhinoplasty Surgery

Depending on how the recuperation process is progressing, you may resume your regular diet during this period. Avoid meals that are firm or crunchy in general. You might wish to go back to softer meals if you experience even a small amount of pain.

Image illustrating foods that should be avoided after a rhinoplasty.

What Foods To Avoid After Rhinoplasty


Drinking alcohol might interfere with anesthesia during the first several days and have substantial, unfavorable side effects. After a rhinoplasty, drinking must be rigorously avoided. The recuperation period will take longer and it can result in edema.

Spicy Foods

There is no denying that spicy meals have several health advantages, one of which is a reduction in bodily inflammation. However, it is preferable to stay away from spicy meals for the first week following a rhinoplasty to prevent nausea, anesthesia-related issues, and other negative side effects.

Hard Foods

Foods that can be difficult to chew and are sticky and crunchy should be avoided after rhinoplasty. It may lengthen the healing process after a rhinoplasty, create discomfort or even pain, and increase edema. In the three to four weeks following your rhinoplasty surgery, depending on how your body reacts to the procedure, don’t munch on those bags of salty potato chips. wait at least a few weeks before consuming crunchy and sticky foods.

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Meet Jessica, the compassionate website publisher with a passion for medical tourism, medical procedures, plastic surgery, and uncovering the wonders of Albania. Through her informative and eloquent writing, she guides and empowers readers to make informed decisions about healthcare and explore the beauty of this enchanting country. Let Jessica be your trusted source for all things related to health, travel, and self-discovery.

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