July 31, 2024

Broken Nose Rhinoplasty

A broken nose is a very common issue that can occur due to several reasons like falling, sports, or accidents. Depending on the severity of the accident you can experience a rupture or a crack in the nasal bone. This is not just an aesthetical issue but also a functional one resulting in pain redness, swelling, and even breathing issues. Thankfully, due to advancements in the medical field, a broken nose can be fixed through surgery which is also known as rhinoplasty. 

Although many people relate rhinoplasty with aesthetic issues, this surgery is also used in cases of medical issues such as after an accident. Actually, a nose job, also known as a rhinoplasty, is a cosmetic surgery that can help straighten up a deviated septum or a broken nose. In order to alter the form of the nose, changes must be made to the skin, cartilage, and/or bone. Medical reasons for this treatment include septoplasty (correction of a deviated septum) and repositioning of damaged nasal bones to provide an aesthetically pleasing healing process.

At Medical Tourism in Albania, our experienced and qualified staff of surgeons will provide the best rhinoplasty results for you for either aesthetic or medical reasons. We will do our best to understand what you are trying to achieve and what the best course of action will be to return your nose back to its normal healthy state.  

Broken nose surgery consultation

How Do You Know If Your Nose Is Broken?

Usually, the doctors will consider a nose broken if the nasal bone or cartilage is fractured or displaced. As you may know, your nose can break due to several reasons including accidents, sports contacts, falling, etc. Furthermore, we will help you understand the signs of a broken nose:

  • Feeling a lot of pain in your nose after a fall or an accident is one of the main signs of a broken nose. This pain will become more intense if you apply pressure or touch the damaged area. 
  • Usually, when you break your nose, besides pain you will also experience excessive swelling. This can make the nose look bigger and not suitable for your face. 
  • The cheekbones and region above the eyes, as well as the nose, may get bruised or turn red. These symptoms, which draw attention to the damage under the skin’s surface, might appear hours after the injury and last for days.
  • If your nose is broken it will be more difficult for you to breathe through the nose. This can be a result of the displacement of the bones or cartilage which can be caused by the blockage or the narrowing of the nasal passages. 
  • Another typical symptom following an accident is nosebleeds. These may start happening right after the collision or they may come on suddenly a few days later.
  • An obvious nose deformity indicates that the nose is broken. A crooked look, a flattened nose tip, or a change in the nasal bridge’s location might be signs of structural deterioration.
  • Hearing a clicking or popping sound when the nose is touched or moved is an uncommon symptom but it is still possible. This noise may be an indication of misaligned bones or cartilage.

A patient with a broken nose who is considering rhinoplasty in Albania

Is There A Difference Between A Broken And Fractured Nose?

Although breaking and fracturing your nose can be mistaken as the same thing, they are not.  There’s a little but important distinction between the two that you should be aware of. A broken nose basically describes a situation in which the nose’s cartilage or bone is completely disrupted or dislocated. A fractured nose, on the other hand, suggests that there is a break or crack in the cartilage or bones of the nose, but not always a total separation or displacement. 

However, despite this difference between the two, the treatment will usually be the same. Stabilizing and realigning the nasal structure are the primary goals in treating these kinds of injuries in order to promote healthy recovery. Depending on the nature and extent of the damage, this may include a variety of treatments, ranging from non-invasive techniques like manual correction to more complex surgical procedures.

Identifying The Signs Of A Broken Nose

If you know the signs of a broken nose it will be much easier to know what to look for and what treatment to seek. Some of these signs include:

  • If you notice that your nose has a different shape or is misaligned after an injury or an accident, it will most likely be broken. This is one of the main signs that show that you need a correction procedure to put it back in place. 
  • Your nose is most likely broken if, following an accident, you experience severe discomfort when you touch it or make any kind of physical contact with it. 
  • Your nose will definitely be broken if you feel a lot of pain or if you find it difficult to move it or put it back in place. 

How To Determine If Your Nose Is Fractured

It’s simpler to tell whether your nose is broken, but it might be harder to recognize the symptoms of a fracture. Additionally, we’ve covered a few signs that can indicate a fractured nose.

  • Experiencing a crunching or crackling sensation at the area of the injury may be a sign of a fracture.
  • A slightly shifted nasal structure that may not be as bad as a full break is known as partial misalignment and can indicate a fractured nose.
  • Unlike a broken nose, which may produce swelling across a larger region, a fracture may result in swelling focused on specific areas.
Rhinoplasty in Albania: broken nose plastic surgery

Benefits Of Undergoing Broken Nose Surgery

Although rhinoplasty is mostly known for its aesthetic benefits, it goes beyond that. The patient’s quality of life will be greatly improved by this operation, which not only attempts to correct the physical abnormalities brought on by the accident but also addresses any functional problems. The advantages of choosing to get surgery for a broken nose include:

Enhanced Aesthetics

A rhinoplasty, which attempts to correct a broken nose, will undoubtedly make the nose look better. Following the procedure, you’ll see that your nose seems more balanced and harmonized with the rest of your face. The surgeon will also make minor adjustments throughout the procedure if necessary or if the patient wants to. 

Structural Support

If the patient experiences a severe accident and the nose is fractured or broken in several areas, the nose will be at risk of collapsing. In these cases, the purpose of reconstructive surgery is to reinforce the nose’s structure and return to its natural shape and size. This way your nose will be out of the risk of a collapse. 

Improved Breathing

Usually, if you break your nose you will also experience difficulties breathing due to the deviation of the septum or other obstructions. Rhinoplasty will be able to correct this issue and also improve nasal airflow which will return breathing functions back to normal

Cosmetic Flexibility

In addition to treating the damage, rhinoplasty can also address aesthetic concerns. There are several approaches to obtain the desired cosmetic result with this surgery, including resizing, reshaping the nostrils, and altering the nasal tip.

Boosted Self-Esteem

After a rhinoplasty procedure, especially if your nose was broken before, your self-esteem and confidence will be greatly improved. Patients might feel better about their appearance and have a greater sense of overall face aesthetics when their nose looks better. 

Affordable rhinoplasty in Albania

Recovery After Broken Nose Surgery

The recuperation phase following treatment is a critical component that our skilled doctors here at Medical Tourism in Albania emphasize greatly. You should be able to resume your usual activities within one or two weeks, however, this might vary depending on a few different circumstances.

Your nose will be fitted with a splint following the treatment to help it maintain its new shape while it heals. To stabilize the septum, nasal packs or splints may also be inserted within your nostrils. After a week or two, they will be taken out, and the absorbable stitches will fall out on their own without needing an additional trip to the surgeon to be removed.

After your operation, you’ll need someone to drive you home from the hospital, and you might need to take a week or longer off from work. For six weeks following surgery, you should avoid engaging in strenuous physical activity, swimming, and jobs that require excessive movement or facial expressions.

Furthermore, avoid doing things like blowing your nose, overeating, covering your head with clothing, placing your glasses on your nose, and aggressively cleaning your teeth for the first two weeks after surgery. To guarantee the best possible healing and recovery, it’s critical that you closely adhere to the post-operative recommendations given by your surgeon. To ensure a successful and safe recovery, our staff at Medical Tourism in Albania will offer you thorough aftercare recommendations. 

Picture of Jessica


Meet Jessica, the compassionate website publisher with a passion for medical tourism, medical procedures, plastic surgery, and uncovering the wonders of Albania. Through her informative and eloquent writing, she guides and empowers readers to make informed decisions about healthcare and explore the beauty of this enchanting country. Let Jessica be your trusted source for all things related to health, travel, and self-discovery.

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