If you are overweight, losing it is half of the job. This can be achieved by a number of ways including surgery, healthy diet and lifestyle changes such as going to the gym. However after we lose a considerable amount of weight most likely we will be left with excessive skin.
This is what we will discuss in this blog post, 5 different surgeries that will help eliminate this skin and help you regain your confidence and body back.

What Is Excess Skin Removal Surgery?
In Albania we offer a number of procedures that have the purpose of removing excess skin from certain areas of the body after a weight loss journey. During the surgery the surgeon will aim to eliminate the skin and then recontoure the body to fit with the new weight.
Who Is Affected By Excess Skin?
Excess skin on the body will be as a result of weight loss, whether the patient has achieved it by surgery, diet or going to the gym. If the patient has overcome obesity or several pregnancies, they will notice sagging and excess skin in certain areas.
As we gain weight our body will try to accommodate it. Due to this the skin will stretch and form stretch marks. Once this happens the skin will lose the elasticity which means it won’t be able to go back to its original state even if the patient loses weight.
When Is Excess Skin Removal Surgery Necessary?
Losing weight will be very good for your health and body appearance. You will be at lower risk of cardiovascular and digestive issues who are very important for keeping the body functioning at a normal rate. Also you will be able to move more freely without feeling tired.
However besides many benefits, weight loss comes with its own set of disadvantages. The most important one will be excess skin in certain areas such as thighs, belly, breasts and arms.
Usually this will be an issue for people who lose 40 kg or more. Besides not looking good, excess skin will also cause functional problems. In these cases surgical intervention will be a necessity.
For people who lose about 10 kg, excess skin removal won’t be necessary but it can still offer amazing results. This will be a perfect way to complete your weight loss journey and get your dream body back.

Suitable Patient For Excess Skin Removal Surgery
If you have lost a considerable amount of weight and you have noticed hanging skin around different areas of the body most likely you will be a suitable patient for an excess skin removal surgery.
However besides this there are other factors that need to be considered before the surgeon decides whether this is the right way procedure for you or not.
Here are some of the criteria that you should consider:
Be In Good Health
Before going through with the procedure it is important for the patient to be in a good health condition. This will be determined by certain evaluating tests like blood tests.
These preventative measures will make sure that you can go through with the procedure and minimize the chance of health issues, during and after the surgery.
Maintain A Stable Weight
In order for the patient to be suitable for the excess skin removal surgery, they should be at a stable weight and be able to maintain it. This is very important since the results can be impacted leading to stretching of the skin even after the procedure. This calls for another treatment in the future.
Be A Non-Smoker
Before undergoing any surgery, including skin removal, the patient should be a non-smoker or be willing to stop smoking for a period of time before and after the surgery. This will not only compromise the surgery’s success but the risk of complications will be higher, especially during the recovery.
The Need For Skin Removal After Losing A Lot Of Weight
As we mentioned before, when we gain weight our whole body will change. The skin will experience the most of it. This is due to the fact that it will aim to adapt with the new weight which can lead to stretching of it.
Once the skin has stretched beyond normal it will lose its normal elasticity. Once this happens the skin won’t be able to return back to its natural condition.
Skin is different from excess fat. Fat will be metabolized from the body while skin won’t. The only way to remove it and for the body to return back to its normal condition will be surgery.
Excess skin removal surgeries come in different forms and they all treat different areas from the body that can be impacted by these changes in weight and sagging skin. After the procedure the patient will feel great, since they will have their body back without the excess skin.
Additionally, excess skin may also cause discomfort and irritation in many cases while also causing irritation that can result in infections. This is because our body needs air to remain healthy. Areas covered by skin may become the perfect environment for rashes and fungal infections.
These are the reasons that make this surgery very effective beyond only providing cosmetic benefits.

Some Types Of Excess Skin Removal Surgery
Excess skin surgery comes in different types. Each one of them focuses on different areas of the body that may have been affected by weight loss. Here are some of the most common surgeries recommended in these cases:
Breast Lift
One of the most common procedures performed after weight loss will be breast lift, especially in women. Medically known as mastopexy, this surgery will address excess and sagging skin left behind after the patient loses a considerable amount of weight.
It is very easy for the breast area to accumulate fat which will eventually start to make them look bigger. When this weight is lost, the patient will notice excessive skin left since the breast skin will become stretched and lose its elasticity.
During the breast lift procedure, the surgeon will aim to address this excess skin and reshape it to its original state. This lift will offer amazing results and give the breasts a fuller and more beautiful appearance.
The breasts might seem more young and perky after the procedure, which can greatly improve their form. A breast lift is a crucial step for many people who have lost a lot of weight in order to improve their overall body image and match their physical look with their weight reduction accomplishments.
One of the most impacted areas by weight gain will be the abdominal area. If the patient loses weight, excess skin will be a side effect in most cases.
This treatment is separated into two different stages, even though they will depend on the patient’s needs and wishes. Here is a look at both steps in detail:
Panniculectoy is a cosmetic surgery that aims to address a significant amount of skin which is present in the lowest part of the abdomen. Usually it will give the belly an apron line shape.
Usually this side effect will be more prominent after significant weight loss that may be a result of surgery or diet and exercise. Panniculectomy surgery will address excess skin in the area which will result in better hygiene function and appearance.
Tummy Tuck
Tummy tuck different from panniculectomy will not only address excess skin but will also tighten the muscles and eliminate any stubborn weight that won’t respond to exercise and diet. This surgery will also be very beneficial in cases when women have undergone a pregnancy.
Once the procedure is over and the surgeon will have tightened the abdominal muscles along with removing excess weight, you will have a flatter abdomen which will fit perfectly with your new body.
You should also know that the surgeon will create and reposition the belly button. This will depend on the extent of the skin removal and the technique used.

Arm Lift
Another area that will be affected by weight gain and then weight loss is the arms. Medically known as brachioplasty, arm lift surgery aims to treat excess skin and the fat located in the arms, especially the upper part.
If the patient has lost a significant amount of weight they may notice hanging skin from the arms which we refer to as “bat wings”. During the treatment the surgeon will remove this hanging skin and contour the arms. This will result in toned arms which will fit perfectly with your new weight.
Thigh Lift
Just like arm lift, thigh lift is another procedure commonly used after weight loss. Having excess skin on your thighs will make it difficult for you to walk and be physical during the day.
If the skin is located on the inner part of the thighs it will be difficult to maintain hygiene and cause discomfort while moving. This is due to the fact that the skin from one thigh will constantly rub the other thigh and cause irritation, especially during the summer.
If this is your issue, a thigh lift surgery will be the right thing to consider and the only effective treatment. During the operation, the surgeon will aim to remove excess skin from the thighs and improve the shape of the thighs by repositioning the tissues.
Once the surgery and the healing period is completed, you will have toned thighs and you will feel more comfortable during movement. Eventually this will make your life easier as you will be able to engage in physical activities and live a healthy and active life.
Vaginal Rejuvenation
Although not as common as the other procedures we mentioned earlier, vaginal rejuvenation is a great way to address changes in the vaginal area which will be caused by weight loss, hormonal changes and pregnancy.
For many women, these changes will cause discomfort and even pain. Some of the effects are: loss of sensation, lower sexual desire and lubrication, not being able to feel pleasure and changes in the vagina’s appearance.
This procedure will address excess skin in the area that is often a result of losing weight. This treatment will offer great results, help make sexual interactions more pleasurable and help you feel more confident.
Frequently Asked Questions
Does Excess Skin Removal Surgery Leave Noticeable Scars On The Body?
Excess skin removal surgery after weight loss is considered an invasive operation. This means that most likely you will have scars from the incisions.
However choosing the right plastic surgeon will be very beneficial in these cases since they will aim to make them as minimally as visible as possible. They will achieve this by making the incision near the natural body creases or in areas that will be covered.
Will Excess Skin Removal Surgery Be Painful?
During the excess skin removal surgery you won’t feel any type of pain, since general anaesthesia will be administered. However, during the recovery period, pain will be present. Pain will be felt more especially during movements such as walking, climbing or getting up.
In order to make it manageable for you the surgeon will prescribe pain medications and offer tailored advice on how to take care of yourself.
How Long Will It Take For Me To See Results After Excess Skin Removal Surgery?
Although results will be noticeable relatively fast, your body needs some time to recover and settle into the new skin. After two years you will be able to notice full results and enjoy the benefits.
How Long Will The Results Last After Excess Skin Removal Surgery?
Even though you might think that once the recovery is over you will have your dream body, maintaining the results is also very important. This means that you should not regain weight and try to keep the same weight as you did when you had the surgery.
Although small amounts of weight changes are normal, it is important to be careful and avoid restretching the skin. Keep a healthy diet and engage in regular exercise in order to maintain the results of the excess skin removal surgery.
What Happens During A Tummy Tuck Procedure?
In order to minimize the incision signs after a tummy tuck the surgeon will place them in the lowest part of the stomach where the bikini line is located. Usually this incision will extend from hip to bone on each side.
In order to remove stubborn fat tissues that don’t respond to diet and gym the surgeon will use liposuction. After this the abdominal muscle will be strengthened and any muscle separation reconnected.
Will A Tummy Tuck Be Necessary After I Lose Weight?
The answer to this question depends on the amount of weight you lose. Some people won’t need this procedure since their body will have the ability to get back to its original form with diet and exercise.
The need for tummy tuck will come when the patient has experienced dramatic weight changes especially after pregnancy. This will be especially true in cases when the weight changes happen in a short amount of time and the body won’t have enough time to heal.
After a tummy tuck the patient will have a flatter belly without any skin hanging. In other cases the surgeons might even recommend a combination with liposuction. This will depend on individual needs and desires.
How Will The Scars Look After A Tummy Tuck?
When it comes to surgery, the risk of scars will definitely exist. However making them as noticeable as possible will be something you should leave to your surgeon. Finding a professional surgeon for your skin removal surgery will help you get the best possible outcomes.
How Much Weight Do I Need To Lose Before Skin Removal Surgery?
The answer to this question will depend on many factors. The most important will be the age, weight, BMI, height etc.
Patients must be at or close to their ultimate goal weight and have maintained it for at least six months before surgery. To make sure they are generally healthy and capable of enduring the physical demands of anesthesia, surgery, and recuperation, patients will also need to go through a variety of tests or assessments.