March 21, 2024

What Is The Right Age To Have A Breast Augmentation Performed?

Breast augmentation and breast lifts are surgical procedures done to enhance the appearance of your breasts. There are several factors to consider like overall health, your lifestyle, and last but not least your age. Even though there is a minimum age set for silicone and saline implants there is not a set age for breast implants that should be followed. 

The above-mentioned factors should be discussed with a specialized surgeon. This way you will find out which is the right treatment for you and make the best decision based on your situation and your request. Your surgeon will also tell you if you’re at the right age for this procedure. 

Affordable and safe breast implants in Albania

What Is The Best Age To Get Breast Implants?

While women between the ages of 25 and 45 are often the most likely to undergo breast augmentation surgery for the first time, anybody in great health who is 18 years of age or older should be a suitable candidate for breast augmentation. In actuality, the most crucial aspect in evaluating whether or not a person may safely have this treatment done is their health, not their age. Women over the age of 18 who are in good emotional and physical health will almost always make good candidates for almost every cosmetic procedure.

We highly advise against having breast surgery performed on younger patients under the age of 18, even with parental consent. This is due to the fact that patients must be old enough that their bodies have fully matured. They should be both emotionally and physically mature enough for this type of surgical procedure. 

When Is A Person Not Ready For Breast Surgery

Even if it is decided that the patient is not a suitable candidate for breast augmentation surgery based on age, health, and lifestyle factors this doesnt mean that they won’t be suitable in the future. If you really want to have this surgery done your surgeon will give you some advice if possible in order to prepare for possible surgery in the future. 

If the patient does smoke they will be advised to stop it or if they take certain medication they will be advised to stop it prior to surgery. In some cases, if the patient has another medication condition, they should wait for the condition to heal before going for a bread augmentation or a breast lift.  

It may be recommended that a young patient postpone surgery for a year or two in order to give them more time to consider their reasons for wanting surgery as well as their expectations and goals. A major factor in guaranteeing the best possible outcome from a cosmetic operation is being well-prepared. 

Preparation for getting breast implants in Albania

What To Expect When Getting Breast Implants In Albania

Although the main purpose of breast augmentation is to enhance one’s appearance, ladies of all ages may have varied expectations and aspirations before undergoing this treatment. Women under thirty, for instance, are usually more concerned with size, while older women might also wish to address asymmetry and drooping. After having children, some women notice that their breasts no longer look as good as they once did and want them to look the same as before. 

Patients who are older and had their first breast augmentation at a younger age could need to come back for a follow-up treatment. When we perform a breast lift on these patients, we could also add more recent implants that weren’t available when they had their initial surgery. Also, older patients are more likely to have additional anti-aging procedures performed alongside their operation to get the best results.

The Recovery Process

Although it’s commonly believed that younger patients can bounce back from breast augmentation far more quickly than older patients, the truth is that a person’s health and lifestyle choices have a greater influence on this than their age. We frequently meet older women who, due to their outstanding health and excellent habits, recover from breast surgery extremely fast and sometimes even faster than some younger patients.

However, a young patient who smokes and disregards the post-operative instructions may find it more difficult to heal. Regardless of age, to guarantee the best possible outcome after any type of cosmetic operation, you should continue to lead a healthy lifestyle and carefully adhere to your doctor’s instructions.

How To Decide If Breast Augmentation Is Right For You

This is an excellent place to start if you are emotionally mature enough to decide whether or not to have breast surgery and if you have reasonable expectations for the results of this kind of operation. Based on your present state of physical health, your doctor can advise you on whether or not you are a good candidate for surgery. This decision cannot be made on your own and you will need professional advice. 

Doctor's consultation for breast augmentation surgery in Albania

Other Factors To Consider

It must also be proven that you are practically ready for surgery if the doctor has determined that breast augmentation is the best course of action for you given your age, health, and mental state. A patient must prepare for surgery by taking into account a number of issues, which necessitate time commitment and a recovery period. 

  • Are you able to pay for the surgery? 
  • Can you afford to take enough time off from your job?
  • Can you adhere to all the directions your doctor will give you regarding pre-and post-operative care? 
  • After your operation, do you have someone who can transport you home and stay with you for the first several days after your procedure? 

Pregnancy And Breast Augmentation

Surgeons typically suggest postponing breast augmentation surgery until after you have started a family if you want to become a parent soon. Your breasts will grow in volume and undergo a major change in form during pregnancy.

Your breasts will remain swollen throughout that period if you want to nurse. Due to the possibility of skin stretching and then shrinking as a result of this increase in size, people who have implants are more likely to have drooping and may eventually need surgery.

Therefore, waiting to have breast surgery until after you have had all of your children helps guarantee long-lasting and efficient breast implant procedure outcomes. Nonetheless, a lot of women choose to get breast implants prior to having kids.

Emotional Maturity

Some people put off getting breast augmentations until they reach a certain age, feel completely informed about the process, and can decide with confidence that it’s the appropriate course of action for them at that point in their lives. But generally speaking, a woman is emotionally prepared for breast surgery after giving the operation serious thought and assessing the benefits and drawbacks. 

Breast augmentation for women over 50

Breast Augmentation Over 50

Breast surgery is available to women who are over 50 as well. For breast augmentation treatments, there isn’t really an age restriction. But women in this age range need to know that recovery will probably take longer. Prior to surgery, patients should also make sure they are in the best possible health and get knowledge about any dangers or issues that may arise.

So breast augmentation is a possibility for ladies of any age. But before you make a decision, it’s critical to fully comprehend and weigh the drawbacks, advantages, and possible dangers of having breast surgery at various ages. If you have determined that breast augmentation would be a good choice for you, it is critical that you work with a highly skilled cosmetic surgeon who can deliver excellent results. 

Picture of Jessica


Meet Jessica, the compassionate website publisher with a passion for medical tourism, medical procedures, plastic surgery, and uncovering the wonders of Albania. Through her informative and eloquent writing, she guides and empowers readers to make informed decisions about healthcare and explore the beauty of this enchanting country. Let Jessica be your trusted source for all things related to health, travel, and self-discovery.

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