Chemical peels are a technique used by medical aestheticians that helps reduce the appearance of fine lines wrinkles and imperfections. In this blog article, we will talk about the effect that chemical peels have on the wrinkles around the eyes which are also known as crows feet. This treatment regenerates the cells of the superficial layers of the skin through the chemical action that it provides. This action will not only improve wrinkles but will also help smooth spots on your face making your skin look more even and beautiful.
What Are Crow’s Feet?
Crows’ feet are wrinkles around the area of the eyes which are similar to the feet of the crows. We develop these wrinkles with age and some people can notice them earlier than others. The skin in this area is also 40% thinner than the rest of the face and they develop thanks to years of facial muscle contractions.
Crow’s feet come in two different types: static and dynamic. Even in cases where facial muscles are relaxed, static crow’s feet remain apparent all the time. Static crow’s feet might look significantly more pronounced and deeper when certain facial expressions are used. On the other hand, dynamic crow’s feet are those that only show up when the muscles in the temples, cheekbones, or eye area tighten. When the face is relaxed, this kind of crow’s feet aren’t visible.
What Causes Crow’s Feet?
Just like any other wrinkles crow’s feet are also a natural result of aging. The synthesis of collagen and elastin in the skin diminishes with age, and our skin gets thinner. The main causes are:
- Our skin seems lush and young in part because of a protein called collagen. In the absence of this protein system, wrinkles deepen and skin sags seem thinner.
- The skin’s capacity to bounce back after being stretched or crushed is facilitated by elastin. Wrinkles appear as elastin production decreases.
- Reduced production of these proteins increases the vulnerability of the skin to sagging and wrinkle formation. Apart from aging, other lifestyle and environmental variables including pollution, sun exposure, dehydration, or poor diet can also lead to a reduction of collagen and elastin.
Since they can appear at an early age (usually around the mid-20s), crow’s feet are frequently among the earliest indications of face aging. As we mentioned before the skin around the eyes is thin and sensitive, losing its flexibility more quickly than the surrounding skin, which accounts for the early development of wrinkles.
Preventing Crow’s Feet
Unfortunately, crow’s feet cannot be prevented totally, and almost everyone will develop them at some point in their life. However, the good news is that even though it cannot be prevented, the appearance of them can be reduced greatly. Some recommendations you should follow to try and reduce the appearance of them are:
- We know that spending time in the sun is very relaxing and satisfying but you should know that the UV light can be damaging to both collagen and elastin causing wrinkles. We recommend you limit sun exposure as much as you can by reducing your time outdoors in the sun, using SPF every day, and avoiding tanning beds.
- Smoking is bad for a number of reasons and causing premature wrinkles is just one of them. Both collagen and elastin can be damaged by smoke and air pollutants which will make the aging process much quicker.
- Amino acids, vitamin C, and minerals like zinc and sulfur are necessary for the production of collagen. These nutrients are obtained from eating a range of fruits and vegetables in balanced meals so maintaining a healthy diet is very important in preventing wrinkles.
- Exercise regularly. Movement quickens the heartbeat, pumps blood and nutrients throughout the body, and maintains skin oxygenated. This promotes the production of collagen for a young, radiant appearance.
- Keep the skin hydrated. Besides drinking a lot of water you should also use eye creams and moisturizers with retinol, vitamin C, or hyaluronic acid to help plump skin by stimulating collagen production. As a result, the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines will be greatly reduced and minimized.
What Are Chemical Peels?
Using a chemical solution to remove the outermost layers of skin is known as a chemical peel. The regrowing skin will have a smoother texture. You might need to have a light or medium peel more than once to achieve the desired outcome and to reduce the appearance of fine lines on the face.
Usually on the face, chemical peels are used to remove scars, discolored skin, and wrinkles. They can be coupled with other cosmetic treatments or performed alone. They may be carried out at varying depths, from shallow to profound. Although they produce more striking effects, deeper chemical peels require more time to heal.
What Conditions Does A Chemical Peel Treat?
Chemical peels can be used to treat certain skin diseases or to enhance the tone and texture of your skin, which will improve your look. Some of the following conditions treated by chemical peels can be:
- Fine lines all over the face including wrinkles under the eyes and mouth which are caused by aging, genetics, and sun damage.
- Some types of scars are caused by acne.
- Minimal scarring.
- Freckles, liver spots, age spots, sun spots, and uneven skin tones.
- Actinic keratosis which is the term for scaly, precancerous lesions.
- Rough skin with a dull complexion.
- Melasma, or dark spots, is brought on by pregnancy or birth control use.
Your dermatologist will collaborate with you to decide how deep your peel should go depending on the goals of the therapy and the state of your skin. Chemical peels don’t work well on sags, bulges, deep scars, deep facial lines, and more severe wrinkles. Other cosmetic surgery treatments including carbon dioxide laser resurfacing, facelifts, brow lifts, eye lifts, or soft tissue fillers will be better choices if these are your concerns. Finding the ideal treatment for your issues will be done with the help of a dermatologist so you don’t have to worry about a thing.
Is A Chemical Peel Good For All Skin Types?
Generally speaking, all skin types respond well to superficial peels. On the other hand, the likelihood of your skin darkening following treatment is higher if you have a darker skin tone. We refer to this phenomenon as post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. If your skin tone is naturally darker, you might want to consult your dermatologist about less aggressive treatments that could lower your chance of hyperpigmentation. You may also not be a suitable candidate for chemical peels if you:
- Have a history of irregular skin scarring.
- Have an additional color in your scars.
- You may be more sensitive to skin care products or skin disorders.
- Unable to avoid the light during the healing phase
Chemical Peels For Crow’s Feet
Additionally, this kind of therapy is widely used and safe. During a chemical peel, a mild chemical solution is used to remove the outermost layer of aging skin, exposing smoother new skin and encouraging the production of more collagen, which tightens and strengthens the skin. There are three different kinds of peels you may have, depending on what you want to achieve:
- Superficial peels: The lightest peels available are superficial peels, which will be done by a licensed esthetician. They involve very little to no downtime and are essentially painless. Every two to four weeks, these superficial peels can be repeated.
- Medium-depth Peels: Because they are more involved than superficial peels, you will need to have the procedure done in the office by your healthcare professional. Depending on the peel, they might be uncomfortable and need some break. A medium-depth peel can be repeated every six to twelve months.
- Deep Peels: Deep chemical peels should be done by a specialized esthetician since they are very intense and they might even need anesthesia. This kind of peel can be repeated every six to twelve months.
How Chemical Peels Work On Static Crow’s Feet
Chemical peels encourage the skin’s outermost layers to shed on purpose in order to stimulate the growth of new cells. This technique resurfaces the skin, tightening it and smoothing out wrinkles like crow’s feet and uneven skin texture. Consequently, the skin seems younger.
TCA (trichloroacetic acid) peels are the most successful chemical peels for treating crow’s feet. The harshest chemical peels now available, TCA peels, will enhance the patient’s look more noticeably. Similarly, they will need a week or so of recovery time, during which the patient may have some skin flaking, edema, and redness. It is crucial that the person administering these chemical peels be a qualified dermatologist with experience in this sensitive technique, as they are often applied to a medium depth.
How To Prepare For The Procedure
You should go over expectations, possible risks, and procedure outcomes with your dermatologist before you choose to go through with the procedure. Furthermore, you should:
- The depth of the chemical peel will be determined by talking about your treatment objectives.
- Provide information on any prior scars, recurring cold sores, or face X-rays.
- For ten days before surgery, refrain from any drugs and supplements that may impact blood coagulation, including aspirin, ibuprofen, and vitamin E.
- Steer clear of drugs like glycolic acid, Retinol, and Retin-A.
- Depending on the depth of the chemical peel that the dermatologist will use, you may need someone to drive you home after the procedure.
After A Crow’s Feet Chemical Peel
The effects of these kinds of deep chemical peel become apparent gradually in the weeks that follow the procedure. Crusts will appear on the skin’s surface for four to eight days following a chemical peel (five days for a light peel, seven days for a medium peel). During this time our doctor will recommend you use a moisturizer to hydrate them. When the crust is removed, the skin turns bright red then it will gradually return to its original shade within a few days to a few weeks.
As soon as the crusts disappear, the patient can rapidly return to normal activities and use the necessary cosmetics. The treated region has to have maximal sun protection applied for two months following the procedure. The results of the treatment will be amazing and the skin will look radiant and stunning. The important thing is that the harmony of the face remains unaffected and natural.
Frequently Asked Questions
What Conditions Do Chemical Peels Address?
As already mentioned, chemical peels are useful for treating a wide range of skin conditions, including severe wrinkles, uneven pigmentation, sun damage, and active acne. They are also beneficial for smoothing out rough, aging skin.
Do Chemical Peels Hurt?
The duration of superficial or light and medium peels is shorter, and a minor numbing lotion may be needed before application. While the peel starts to work, you could have some mild burning and itching, but most people don’t experience any discomfort.
Anesthesia is frequently required for really deep peels, and patients may occasionally be sedated. In these situations, your doctor will often recommend painkillers after therapy.
How Long Does The Chemical Peel Procedure Take And When Can I Expect To See Results?
The amount of time of a chemical peel might range from a few minutes to an hour. New skin might start to emerge one to two weeks after therapy, depending on what you received.
What Results Can I Expect After A Chemical Peel?
This actually relies on your own skin needs and the state of your skin before the chemical peel. You should generally anticipate smoother, brighter, younger-looking, more radiant, and even-toned skin when your skin has recovered. Light peels may start to show benefits right away, and it will take seven to ten days for the complete effects to become apparent. In one to two weeks, medium and deep peel results will appear.
Who Is A Good Candidate For A Chemical Peel?
Almost every type of skin may be treated with a chemical peel. Patients with darker or more sensitive skin tones, however, could benefit more from lighter peels and desire to avoid deeper ones.
Your skincare professional, who will evaluate your skin and have a detailed discussion with you on your skin objectives, is the only one who can advise you on which chemical peel or acidic solution is best for you. Your dermatologist will evaluate your skin tone, skin thickness, and the sort of skin damage you would like to get better. It will also discuss past histories of skin diseases and treatments. Before scheduling a chemical peel, a consultation is necessary, just as with any other cosmetic operation.
What Are Some Possible Risks And Complications Of Chemical Peels?
Although it is uncommon, light, medium, and deep peels might result in dry, flaky skin and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. Breakouts from post-peel acne are also not unusual, and if this happens, you should notify your doctor so they can prescribe an oral medication. If you are prone to cold sores, it’s particularly crucial to let your doctor know because a chemical peel may trigger breakouts.