November 7, 2023

Does Liposuction Permanently Remove Fat?

Over the past several years, liposuction has been increasingly popular in the field of cosmetic surgery, and one of the primary reasons for this is that it offers almost instantaneous results to anyone who is struggling with excess fat in various body parts. You won’t have to put in as much effort to have the ideal silhouette thanks to this procedure. When a person notices that diet and exercise are not helping to reduce stubborn pockets of fat, they typically resort to liposuction. Whether the fat will be permanently gone after liposuction is one of the primary worries that individuals have regarding the operation. We will go into more depth about this in this blog article to help you make an informed decision. 

Image illustrating an affordable liposuction surgery in Albania

What Is Liposuction?

Liposuction is a type of cosmetic surgery that is done to eliminate fat from specific areas of the body. It can be done in the hips, thighs, arms, stomach, or neck area. Besides eliminating fat this procedure will also give them the perfect shape and contour, that’s why sometimes it is called body contouring. 

You should know that liposuction is not a weight loss surgery, so it will work only if you have a stable body weight. If you are having issues with your weight you may benefit more from regular exercise and maintaining a healthy diet. 

Why Is It Done?

As we mentioned before, liposuction is usually done to remove fat from areas that don’t respond well to diet and exercise. The size of fat cells increases with weight growth. A liposuction procedure reduces the quantity of fat cells in a certain region. The volume of fat and the appearance of the region determine how much of it should be eliminated. If you don’t experience weight changes, the changes from the procedure are often permanent. Usually, the stubborn areas are: 

  • Stomach
  • The upper region of the arms
  • Buttocks
  • Chest and back
  • Thigh area
  • Hips 
  • Calves and ankles
  • Chin and neck

The skin adheres to the newly developed contours of the treated areas during liposuction. Skin that is toned and elastic seems smooth. If your skin is thin and not elastic, your treated areas may appear more loose. Liposuction cannot address cellulite-induced dimples in the skin, stretch marks, or other abnormalities in the skin’s surface. To have this procedure done, you must be in good health and free of any conditions that might make the operation more difficult. Impaired immune function, diabetes, coronary artery disease, or blood flow issues are examples of these. However, your doctor will discuss these factors with you during the initial consultation. 

Image illustrating the use of liposuction for removing extra fat in specific areas of the body

Does Liposuction Remove Fat Permanently?

Despite the effectiveness of liposuction, many individuals worry that it provides a lasting solution to the problem of persistent fat deposits. To answer this question, you must first comprehend what the technique does. Although plastic surgeons utilize a variety of liposuction procedures, liposuction fundamentally entails suctioning fat from a specified location using hollow tubes and suctioning devices. Liposuction permanently eliminates fat cells from a region, and fat cells do not come back or replicate in the area where liposuction has been performed.

Many of our patients are relieved to learn that the fat cells removed during liposuction are permanent and they will be taken out of the body forever. These eliminated fat cells will never be able to grow back again. This implies that your results will last if you get the surgery and continue to keep a steady weight thereafter.

Can Fat Return?

The short answer is that the fat will return if you allow it to. Generally speaking, a patient’s outcomes following liposuction will be less dramatic the more weight they have acquired. If the patient keeps the weight they lost after the lipo, fat won’t come back and the desired outcomes will hold. The body’s fat cells will enlarge somewhat if the patient gains more weight after the surgery. The overall enhanced body shape that follows from liposuction will still be noticeable since treated body parts contain fewer fat cells and hence have a lower expansion rate compared to surrounding areas, even though this little weight increase may lessen effects.

New fat cells can form in all places of the body, even treated areas, in situations of significant weight increase. However, fat usually accumulates less in treated areas than in untreated parts since the body’s ability to create new fat cells usually happens uniformly throughout. As a result, many liposuction patients who gain a significant amount of weight after the treatment nevertheless tend to appear better than they would have without the procedure.

Adjacent, Remaining Fat Cells Can Grow In Size

Everyone is born with a certain number of fat cells and initially, they are small in size. These fat cells can get bigger, but they can also go smaller as you get older, bigger, and heavier. This implies that your formerly little fat cells may enlarge, providing the impression of a problem spot or a larger total weight.

During liposuction, the fat cells will be removed and they will be gone for good. The problem is that the fat cells that are not removed during the surgery will continue to grow. This means that it’s likely that the remaining, nearby fat cells could enlarge if you gain weight following your treatment, which might undo the effects and affect the operation results. This is why doctors find it crucial to explain to their prospective patients that the operation is not a weight reduction surgery and that it’s crucial to continue with a balanced diet and exercise routine after your procedure if you want to keep the outcomes of your surgery.

Image illustrating the fat removal results of a liposuction treatment in Albania

How To Keep Your Liposuction Results?

It can be challenging and demands commitment to maintain a healthy and stable weight. To guarantee long-lasting lipo effects, you must make some lifestyle modifications after investing time and money in liposuction. With liposuction or other plastic surgery, our board-certified plastic surgeon can help you reach your body goals. However, you can still gain weight in other areas of your body, so it’s important that you adhere to all post-operative instructions, exercise frequently, and maintain a balanced diet to protect your investment in your body.

During your initial appointment at Medical Tourism in Albania, our board-certified surgeon will go over your options and address any cosmetic concerns. They will discuss lipo recovery, what to anticipate during the process, and how to be ready for liposuction. As a precaution against blood clots and other issues, your first activity levels will be restricted to walking. However, six weeks following liposuction, our patients may usually return to their regular exercise routine. Follow the surgeon’s instructions and wear compression clothing as prescribed. You may keep your liposuction benefits for a long time by following these suggestions:

Stay At Your Post-Lipo Weight

When diet and exercise don’t produce the results you want, liposuction is meant to assist you get there. It is safe to lose up to 11 pounds with this body sculpting treatment. You can still put on weight even though those fat cells are permanently gone. You should try to maintain your weight at 135 pounds if you weighed 145 pounds when you first arrived and lost 10 pounds.

Image illustrating the importance of regular exercise after a liposuction in Albania

Regular Exercise

You must start or maintain a regular fitness regimen as soon as it’s safe for you to return to strenuous activities. Liposuction body contouring is an invasive and sometimes expensive operation. Exercising for at least thirty minutes a day, if not more, is the greatest approach to maintaining your new figure. Exercise is essential for maintaining your health and getting the best outcomes from liposuction, whether you work out at home or with a trainer.

Healthy, Balanced Diet

If you’re consuming processed, high-fat, and unhealthy meals, exercise will only take you so far. Limit your intake of simple carbs, sweets, and saturated fats found in dairy, pig, and beef products. You may try consuming more beans, lentils, and other high-protein meals in place of part of your meat. You will be able to maintain your liposuction results by eating the right amounts of fruits, veggies, lean protein, and complete grains. 

Image illustrating the importance of hydration after a liposuction treatment

Drink Enough Water Every Day

Maintaining your energy levels and preventing the hunger that prompts eating may be achieved by drinking lots of water throughout the day. Hydration in the right amounts supports digestion and metabolism. Set up a daily goal on how much water you would consume and try to keep with it. This will provide a lot of benefits to your health in every aspect. 

Eat Smaller Meals More Often

You may prevent yourself from reaching for the mid-morning or afternoon snack you usually go for when you’re hungry by eating five to seven smaller meals throughout the day as opposed to the recommended three meals. Frequent little meals can also assist you in keeping your energy levels stable. Numerous fitness and calorie-tracking applications are available to assist you in keeping track of how often and how much you eat each day. 

Picture of Jessica


Meet Jessica, the compassionate website publisher with a passion for medical tourism, medical procedures, plastic surgery, and uncovering the wonders of Albania. Through her informative and eloquent writing, she guides and empowers readers to make informed decisions about healthcare and explore the beauty of this enchanting country. Let Jessica be your trusted source for all things related to health, travel, and self-discovery.

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